~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
HAHAHAHA! Professor Airey. Man, there was no one else like him. Adi couldn't help himself and he started laughing to himself at the singing reaction they got for their tide answers. Not bad, Professor. Nice voice.
Alrightey! Settle down, Adi! Class was moving on. So, what did he know about tides? Adi raised his hand after slipping on his galoshes. "I think surfers depend on tides to help them surf, Professor duuuude, Sir.'' The whole duuuude thing was said in the 'cool surfer voice'. "I mean Professor Airey, Sir.'' Oh, yeah. The Hufflepuff had a proposition for the man. "Pssst. Professor, I can help you improve your vocals if you like.'' Hehe.