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Old 05-10-2015, 04:45 AM   #4 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

Tazenhani's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amur Neverwinter
Fourth Year
~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~

SPOILER!!: Brown and Bolt <3
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
BEAMING at the congratulations on her patronus, Soph gave the man a brief salute. "Thanks, sir. Just had success at the end of last term, when Truebridge was all kindsa crazy about us being able to use defensive magic and master ALL the things. I'd been working on a patronus for two years on my own even before she was on our case, but I was pretty excited. S'dead useful, considering all the crazy things that happen at this school." ESPECIALLY now that she was a prefect, it came in handy. Calling for help in the midst of a crisis via a patronus was wicked cool.


Sophie actually GROANED at the bit about the Quill and shook her head at the man's displeasure. "I was going to ask if you'd like to be featured. I wasn't just going to come along and interview you on a whim. We were just gonna come kill lots of birds with one stone - we wanted to meet you, introduce ourselves, welcome you with cookies, talk to you about your subject 'cause Eves here might wanna possibly pursue a career with Magical Law Enforcement 'cause she's incredible and got an Outstanding in your subject," as did Sophie, but she didn't think it was important to mention that, "and I was gonna see if you wanted--" she shook her head some more, "but m'not gonna try talking you into anything. We'll just go with the flow, 'kay?"

She finally moved forward into the office, scrutinizing every bit of the room curiously as she instinctively crossed toward the two chairs in front of the desk. It was a nice office, very well furnished and organized, and she appreciated the fireplace and the overall outdoorsy feel of it. It was a very welcoming office, perfectly matching with the seating area. Cool guy already, he was, even though she thought she'd already accidentally ruined his life and gotten off to a bad start. So... was it okay that she didn't sit yet? Because she still wasn't totally sure that the guy wasn't going to kick her out for making him think she was going to get all up in his business. Sigh.

"...Did we introduce ourselves?" She couldn't even remember, in the midst of all the excitement.
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Merlin, Sophie talked a lot. Not that it was a problem, Evie was just observing. She was still cute. Evie simply stood there, rocking on her toes slightly while Sophie mended her words and told her what they were REALLY going to do. Sorry, sheesh. That's why Sophie did all the talking; not her. She was better at it and was generally more aware of situations and things and... people things. Evie just kinda... talked. But right now, she was listening. She gave the professor a big smile when Sophie told him she was interested in the MLE.

Finally, they were let in and Evie walked in behind Sophie, her eyes immediately taking in everything about his office. It had a very nice mountain-outdoorsy feel to it and it was rather cozy. She looked at the pictures he had out before realizing that they HADN'T introduced themselves.

Well, better late than never. Evie stepped forward. "Evangeline Shacklebolt, at your service," she said cheerfully, extending her hand out for the Professor to shake. Ya hear that? SHACKLEBOLT? He should appreciate that name, right? Maybe? It was kind of legendary, you know. "Is that your family, sir?" she asked curiously, gesturing to a couple of the photos.

Perhaps he should have held the conversation outside, in the waiting area. They seemed less. At least the one did anyways. Upon an invitation in, the floodgates seemed to have opened and Sabel, admittedly, had a bit of a time keeping up with all that she was saying. Merlin how he had forgotten how energetic kids could be.

His eyebrows went up and down at the list of things. Meeting, good. Introductions, good. Cookies, still questionable. Career with the MLE, extra raised eyebrow. And the Quill, made him sigh inwardly a little. Whether it was relief or the weighing sense of responsibility to answer questions while not answering, he wasn't quite sure.

But go with the flow? That worked just dandy with him, and he gave a nod as he shut the door behind the two girls. "Thank you again, for the cookies. That was very thoughtful of you." They still weren't trustworthy items for consumption yet. No, it was far too early to tell for that.

As for introductions, he shook his head a little as he made his way to his desk. He had first names, Evie and Sophie, but who knew if they were nicknames or not. "You...sort of have."

Perching on the edge of his desk, closest to the two chairs, Sabel put the cookies on the desk just behind himself in a discrete fashion, his eyes drifting over his shoulder to look at the pictures that Evie had indicated. The old Auror twitch of suspicion had him hesitating in his answer, until he reminded himself that they were just students. Curious students. "Some of them. Family and close friends."

His attention returned to the two girls and he clasped his hands loosely in his lap. "So, Quill and MLE?" He let out a breath. "I'll be upfront and honest with you about the first, I don't have any love for papers or reports, but depending on your questions, I suppose I could answer a few." As long as they were harmless. "Your patronus experience sounds a bit more beneficial for the student body though. I'm sure there are a lot of classmates struggling with their own. They might find a relateable voice encouraging."

If asked, he would deny deflection. One hundred percent. As for the MLE....His eyes slipped over to Ms. Shacklebolt, cautiously curious. "Congratulations on your marks in DADA. That's impressive. But why the MLE?"

He had made a promise to Rainey, one that he actually agreed upon, and he intended to keep it as best as he could.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________

_______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
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