Christopher Jensen
Model: Fabrizio Guido
Basic Info Nicknames: Chris
Age: 11
Birthday: January 12, 2075
Parents: Erik Jensen and Mackenzie Jensen
Birthplace/Hometown: Scotland
Current Residence: Scotland
School Info House (or School Attended if not Hogwarts): Ravenclaw!!
Year: 1st Year
Favorite Classes: TBA
Least Favorite Classes: TBA
Extracurricular Activities: Jujitsu, flying
OWLs Received In: TBA
NEWTs Received In: TBA
More Info Wand: 11 ¾ inches of strong Rowan with a Phoenix Feather core
Boggart: TBA
Patronus: TBA
Special Skills/Abilities: Can play guitar
Personality: Eager to try new things and friendly
Things they Love: Music
Things they Hate: Vegetables
Dreams for the Future: Want to be an Auror like my dad!!
(maybe will add stuff later...maybe not...who knows)