05-08-2015, 01:45 AM
Astronomy Lesson 1 :: The Moon {formation theory & tides}
The first thing you may notice as you step into the Astronomy classroom on this especially sunny afternoon is that Professor Flamsteed is no where to be seen. Is this another test your constant vigilance or is the man uncharacteristically running late? Which ever the reason, you best find a seat among the large semicircle of desks and follow the instructions on the blackboard that read: Quote:
Take out a quill and write your FULL name and year on the piece of parchment provided.
Once you have done so, give it a tap with your wand.
The parchment, enchanted by the professor himself, will turn into a sturdy wood name plaque when you do so.
Did you remember to use the lint roller on the small table outside of the classroom? It was there next to the sign that reads, "Not to be used as a brush for your hair" and has the signature of a former student in the bottom right corner.
So come on in and have a seat. Class will begin....well...as soon as the professor graces you all with his presence. ⌦Lesson Progression
▸ question 1 :: KABOOM! What was all THAT about?
▸ question 2 :: Why is the Moon important? Do you think the Earth be fine without its existence?
▸ question 3 :: What do you know about tides?
▸ mini activity :: BE THE MOON! Sort of. In an abstract sense.
▸ main activity :: MOVING OUT!
▸ main activity :: house vs house sandcastle battle instructions OOC: This is IC your character's FIRST Astronomy lesson of the term.
Please be sure you are familiar with Professor Flamsteed's rules BEFORE you post in this lesson. We will know if you haven't read them! All SnitchSeeker site rules apply. Class will officially begin in approximately 14 hours from the time of this post. This lesson has officially started! Please do not announce your character arriving late and just pretend like they have been in class all along. You are free to jump in any time and should use the lesson progression links to keep up. |