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Old 05-05-2015, 11:32 PM   #74 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 21,878
Default Cold medicine = loopy Kori. Poke me if I missed you. :D
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus

SPOILER!!: Zander is in so deep.
Is there ever a time when you just want to smack your head against the desk for saying possibly the worst thing possible? Because this was that kind of time. Well, it was for Zander anyway. "Uh..." was all Zander said.


'Cause NO he didn't have any better plans or more minions and NO they weren't going into the forbidden forrest to grab unicorns. Didn't she remember what happened last time people went down to the forbidden forrest? It was MADNESS. But how could Zander break it to her in front of all these people? Especially when she seemed so excited and Merlin. this was going to be a lot tougher than he thought. "Uh, yeah we'll just talk about it later, then..." he scratched his head, slightly confused by this interaction. Merlin. She was even more confusing than the arithmancy textbook.

Uh? Uh? UH? What did it take to make this boy happy? She had given him an amazing opportunity. Sure, a student was eaten last term by a giant spider, but what were the odds of that happening again? If she wanted to know the actual odds she was sure she could ask was of those eagle kids. In fact she had a sister in that house. Only thing was that she really didn't give a hoot about the odds. Where was the fun in that? See how easily distracted she could become? Now where was she?


"Perfect." They were in agreement. The whole food thing needed to happen before she could come up with some super sweet plans. Although, she didn't wanna plan too much because that would be boring. She was more of try it out and hope for the best kind of girl.

SPOILER!!: Marsha
OH! Look, someone was talking to her. That was amazing. AJ! That was an amazing name, so pretty. ”Hi AJ! I’m Marsha! And this, is Zak!” She said, point to the boy on one side, before going around their friends. ”And this is Rusty, Evie and Lance!” Check her, wasn’t she AWESOME knowing most of the knew first years in her class already. Hehehe. SHE had made so many good friends already. So important. ”Hogwarts is going to be incredible!”, she agreed, sharing the older Gryffindor’s enthusiasm. ”I hope I don’t get lost though!” She added, the place was HUGE after all.

So far AJ was loving the spunk of the new lions. This is just what Gryffindor needs after that devastating lost last year. Ugh. she couldn't even think about it. Losing was not okay, and she needed to move her little thought process on. "Hi Marsha." Oh wow! The younger lion already had so many friends. AJ smiled at each one that she introduced to her. "Sup?" Hopefully there were all as cool as Marsha seemed to be.

AJ laughed. "Getting lost is part of the fun. There are so many cool and hidden spots in the castle. I highly recommend getting lost." Oh wait, she couldn't let the firstie go on not knowing a certain little detail. "Try not to get lost before class though. I once got out of trouble be meowing for being late, but if you are late in Bellaire's class she will eat you." No lie.

SPOILER!!: Mentions of Zeke & ghostie!
"Indeed!" he roared, floating a bit further up into the air and puffing out his chest. "I dare say that I expect a victory this year, what with losing BOTH Cups last year and tarnishing our winning streak. And I prefer Sir Nicholas, please."

There just wasn't enough of her to go around. Only she did have a twin, but nobody would believe that Angel was AJ. Not if they knew her well at all. There would be plenty of time to catch up with the others that she hadn't got a chance to speak to just yet at the after party. There was always one of those. AJ noticed the nod returned, and she gave her attention to her house ghost.

"We have it in the bag this year." They just had to. AJ would make sure to not lose any points this term. Well, that might be taking it a bit too far. "Losing is no fun." That was the understatement of the century. AH! AH smacked her forehead with her palm. "Oh course. I'm sorry Sir Nicholas. I forgot. I love using nicknames." In fact she insisted that nobody call her Aubrey. It just sounded weird.

But just look at AJ go, yo! She was more hyper than usual. It was safe to say she had consumed loads of sweets. Or his habit of being super social had rubbed off on her. It could be a combination of both reason too. Yep.

This was one of the first times when she didn't stay seated beside Adi at the feast. It was as if she couldn't stay still with all of the sugar coursing through her veins. Not to mention that she was super pumped by the new firsties. They were going to have this cup in the bag. She was sure of it.

AJ tried to catch Adi's eye, and when he seemed to be looking in her direction she have him a warm smile. As soon as everything got settled down, she would back by his side once more.

SPOILER!!: Cinnamon
Seeing AJ, Benny, and Adi all the three wave back she spoke to them "You guys have a good summer?" She figured that they had spent summer together she rarely seen the three apart. Much like her and Emmy or her and Bart. She supposed. She could be wrong. That has happened before.

There was Cinnamon. AJ really liked the older girl. In fact there wasn't anybody that she really didn't like. Well, other than Ian and Bellaire, but no need to go there during such a happy time.

"My summer was lots of fun. How about yours? How does it feel being a sixth year now?" Another friend that was going to graduate before her. Did she have any friends her own age?

SPOILER!!: Lancelot
He wasn't ever going to get used to people greeting him so positively like this. "Hello!" he beamed, giving a slight hesitant wave. The older girl was talking to him, right? Though she was right, this was totally the best house, from what he's see so far.

"Thanks. I'm Lance," he said, feet tapping excitedly yet lightly on the ground. "Hey, erm, AJ? If this is the best house, what are the other houses like?"

"Hi Lance." He seemed to be hesitant at first, but AJ just brushed it off as him being overwhelmed with everything going on. Already he kind of reminded her of Zander.

If? IF? No. Just no. "There's no question that this is the best house." People said that it was a matter of an opinion, but she knew better. Fact was fact. "Well, Ravenclaw are full of super smart people. So if you need to borrow notes, they are your best bet. They can be a boring lot though. My sister is in that house and one time I didn't see her for weeks. I'm pretty sure her nose was in a book the entire time." B-O-R-I-N-G! "Hufflepuff's are full of super happy and helpful people. If you think Gryffindor's are nice, try multiplying that by a thousand and you get a puff. They are the second best house." As far as Slytherin goes...

"People told me they are really mean, but I haven't met a mean one yet. This one kid let me dangle of his plank in class. I think you have to be related to the snake dud to get in that house though." She took a breath because when she started it was hard to stop.

Still smiling, Lux nodded at AJ as she talked about summer. It definitely had gone by too fast, but maybe this term would go by fast too! One could dream. "It's pretty nice to be a Sixth Year! I get a break from exams and one year closer to the real world." Yep, she was very excited about this as much as she loved Hogwarts. "So how does it feel to be a Fourth Year?" Next term were the OWLs.

"Oh yeah. Adi was practically a zombie last year. How did you do on your OWLS?" AJ was sure that she did well, but it was still polite to ask. AJ had only one more year before she would have to endure them herself. Yikes.

"Umm...I dunno. I'm kinda just stuck in the middle. I'm not one of the young ones anymore and I'm not considering a old one either. I bet this is what it feels like to be the middle child."
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