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Old 05-05-2015, 01:30 AM   #57 (permalink)

Stormdancer's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Scotland, [GMT]
Posts: 10,057

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Default I hope this is legible and okay... That took forever >.<
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori

As soon as she had sat down, she got a BIG grin from Zak. ”YES! This is amazing! I’m so excited… Now we need to wait and see where the others end up.” The Welsh girl grinned happily as she listened - or rather tried to, it was LOUD in here - to the others who were getting sorted as they continued to go through the students.

Woah. She just got a smile! From one of the older Hufflepuff students (Adi). That was so cool! The girl smiled back, waving her left hand slightly at him. Was that a Prefect badge she saw? Silently, she wondered if he was… now, what had Alyssa said their prefects were called? Ally…? Anny? Andy? Hmm… No.. They didn’t sound right but maybe she would figure it out one of these days… Or she could find her aunt and just ask her.

YES! Evie was with them in Gryffindor too!! Marsha hadn’t really had much of a chance to say anything to her on the train. She had been too excited and felt rather bad for taking up the boys time before running back to the first carriage to be with Zac and Rusty. However, it had been awesome running between the carriages - she felt like she had such a great group of friends already! Wasn’t that AMAZING. ”I’m Marsha!, She added, frowning slightly as she couldn’t remember if she had properly introduced herself at any point. ”Sorry if I didn’t introduce myself on the train.” Oh well, friends now?

OH! OH OH OH OH!!! LANCE WAS IN GRYFFINDOR! ”It is SOO cool!” Cool totally wasn’t a good enough word. It didn’t describe how in awe the ALMOST-twelve year old was feeling. How did you describe it. She just didn’t know. Honestly. It was just all so overwhelming! Her head nodded furiously, grinning widely as the boys met properly. Whoops! She should have done that on the boats. She was silly. ”Yes! Lance, this is Zac… Zac, this is Lance. You are both awesome!” Because it was obviously true.

She clapped happily as Rusty followed Lance, all hyper and loud and PERFECT. LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS HAIR. Marsha still couldn’t believe she was in the same year and house as another red-head. AND they were in the Red house… Giggling, the girl thought that meant trouble - though she wasn’t sure how. ”I don’t care as long as there IS food. I am soo hungry I could eat a Hippogriff.” Hungry didn’t even cover it!

OH! Look, someone was talking to her. That was amazing. AJ! That was an amazing name, so pretty. ”Hi AJ! I’m Marsha! And this, is Zak!” She said, point to the boy on one side, before going around their friends. ”And this is Rusty, Evie and Lance!” Check her, wasn’t she AWESOME knowing most of the knew first years in her class already. Hehehe. SHE had made so many good friends already. So important. ”Hogwarts is going to be incredible!”, she agreed, sharing the older Gryffindor’s enthusiasm. ”I hope I don’t get lost though!” She added, the place was HUGE after all.

Hehehehe. Woah. Wait. TALLLLL. Marsha blinked in slight envy at the tallllllll woman who had just introduced herself as Puck. Gosh. Marsha was willing to bet that she NEVER needed anyone to get anything from the top shelvees. Woaaaah. She was SO JEALOUS. HI TALL GIRL!

”Oh! Puck! You’re a Prefect? You must know my… Uh. Kinda Uncle, person… Well… Gabe?” The girl frowned, unsure how to describe ther relationship to Gabriel Banner. Her Uncle’s Brother who wasn’t her actual uncle? Yeah, her family was just generally confusing. ”My name is Marsha, it’s nice to meet you. Also… hidden food? Awesome!”


Her aunts and uncles had told her about the ghosts, but she hadn’t believed them. Seems like everything they had been telling her was all true… Hmm. Maybe she could find unicorns and hidden rooms and go to classes late at night to study the stars… Hmm. Maybe she should have believed them.

”Woah… It’s nice to meet you!” Marsha said to the ghost. Then he PULLED HIS HEAD AWAY. WHAT!!!!!! Her eyes bugged large in her head as she watched him and then he was talking to some of the other students, but she was still crazily trying to figure out how that could possibly be comfortable. IT couldn’t, right? She looked, wide eyed from Lance to Zak and back again. WHAT EVEN WAS HAPPENING???

Looking around the table, Marsha’s eyes lit up as they fell on Hayley. YAY! Another Aunt-type, extended family, figure whom she had no-idea how to explain. She reallllly liked giving herself a complicated mess to explain. When she thought the brunette was looking her way, she waved a little - just pointing out the fact that she had made it to school safely. See, managed to travel without getting hurt! Go her.

Hmm? Shaking her head slightly, Marsha’s attention got pulled back to Lance as she saw paper falling on the table in front of her. Tilting her head to the side slightly she read the page and grinned. A pet rock? Huh. Well… at least if she got attached to it she would never have to worry about it dying on her, like her first kitten had three years before. Whoops, not going there right now! ”Sure!” She replied to Lance, ”Though, can we eat dinner first?” But…. in saying that, food wasn’t ready yet so maybe they could go and adopt their rocks BEFORE dinner. Gosh, she really was hungry. FOOOOOOOD please.
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