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Old 05-05-2015, 12:00 AM   #32 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia "Mia" Adair
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Leigh Upstead
Fifth Year
be curious, not judgmental

Text Cut: Tobes
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
This was a good choice then, that was good. Toby straightened a little from the slightly bent position that had helped keep Soph up on his back when his strength (or lack thereof) failed him. He looked around at those at the table already and gave them all smiles, even the ones he didn't know. There was a BOY here, too, that Toby swore he knew but couldn't quite place a name. That wasn't so strange, though, as he was... so so bad at remembering names. Like offensively so. So he smiled at him too, anyway.

Toby had been expecting for Soph to sit and drag him down next to her, so when she just stood there and played with his hand, he blinked and turned to look at her. "Err... aren't we sitting down, then?" He thought about asking if maybe she was standing to make extra sure everyone would see her shiny new prefect badge, but decided that that would probably sound a little mean if he said it out loud, like he was teasing her in a mean way. Which WASN'T the case, so played it safe and stayed quiet. Teasing people tended to lose its fun when you saw how it could hurt people, too, so Toby was VERY careful about when he did it. Which meant... he tended to not do it at all anymore.

The thought of Soph's prefect badge suddenly reminded Toby of the home made Head Nerd #1 badge Soph had mad him last year, which currently resided in his pocket. He used his free hand to quickly check that it was still there (it was, WHEW), and that was about the time that Sophie named the unnamed boy.

"Benzi?" Tobias blinked again, and looked at the kid, his expression blank as the cogs in his mind took a little longer to work than usual (because of REASONS). "I know that na-... wait. Benzi? Cutty's friend Benzi?" From like a million years ago?

While he thought about it, Toby looked up again, and his gaze happened to fall on the staff table for the first time that night. Distracted at once, the seventh year (SEVENTH year) scanned for the faces he knew and tried to catch certain professors' eyes. Thompson in particular. He got a wave. Was he missing them too? Most likely. Toby definitely was. It felt like it had been a million years already.

... Sigh.

Sitting down? "Well." Pause. "I... I kinda thought you'd wanna sit with your house." It being the last start-of-term feast for him, but she wasn't going to point that out. "And I'd come with you, but I think... with my new duty 'n all, m'supposed to stay here. I've seen prefects get reprimanded by professors for wandering to the other tables when they're supposed to be looking out for their own house," she murmured to him, her eyes darting suspiciously around at everyone, then up to the staff dais. She couldn't see Kitridge or Botros yelling at her, no, but she knew the healer would get on her case, and she thought Flammy was blunt enough to nudge her back to her own table, too, if she strayed too far from her own.

"But I wanna be with you. So..." Ahem. "I thought I'd just stand here and keep you hostage until you tugged away and returned to your own kind." She was kind of joking with that, as everyone knew Tobes sat with the Ravenclaws frequently and he meshed with them very well. He wasn't an alien at this table - he was practically an honorary Ravenclaw anyway. She gave him a smile to convey this line of thought and continued to cling to his arm and play with his fingers.

Juuuust standin' here, hangin' out. No big deal. If anyone else asked, she was just going to say she was standing to overlook the whole table and get a bird's eye view of everyone. Or as good as it could've gotten. Just doing her JOB.

Text Cut: Kyroh, Penelope, Janelle
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Toby was at the table TOBY. Kyroh would have tackled the older boy but he was busy talking. And it was probably rude. He looked so much shorter now too and it was strange. What if he crushed him? Brushing a strain of hair away from his eyes Kyroh took a seat down at his table and glanced around. Folding his hands on the table he rested his chin on them and glanced around thoughtfully.

Eden. And Abby and Tia and Evie. Bunch of people he sorta knew. But saying hi right now felt like a lot of energy. And for some strange reason he didn't have any of it.
Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Penelope had her stack of posters that advertised the pet rock adoption fair. She approached the Ravenclaw table and spoke to her fellow eagles. "Hi! Does anyone want to adopt a pet rock? They are very low maintenance pets and never die!... Because they are not living things. If you come by the table by the entrance to the Great Hall now, you can get a pet rock that comes with a care manual and rock candy!" She thought that some of the Ravenclaws might enjoy a pet rock. After handing out a few flyers and dropping some onto the table, she moved on to find another table to advertise the pet pet rock adoption fair at.
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
At the Great Hall at last, Janelle made her way over to the Ravenclaw table. Her first order of business was to greet the House Ghost. "Hello Miss Ravenclaw". It's good to see you again. I hope you had a nice summer."

Janelle slid into the nearest empty seat and decided to take a moment before seeking out her friends. Scanning the table, she saw the usual suspects and a few new first years. She would have to introduce herself to them and make them feel welcome. She knew how it felt to be the new kid on the block......Scary. Oh and was that Sophie Brown with a Prefects badge? Cool. Janelle would definitely have to congratulate her.

Suddenly, something caught her eye on the table. Janelle looked down to find a flyer rock adoptions. What, did Pebbles have babies or something? Amused, Janelle thought she might actually consider the idea. In the meantime, there were housemates and friends to greet.

It was at that precise moment that Sophie did do some overlooking of her table, and she smiled at the arrival of both Kyroh and Janelle - both of them got a brief wave of greeting, and she even debated dragging Tobes over to one of them to make small talk when...

Penelope arrived. Talking all sorts of nonsense. A pet rock? Was she working for Flamsteed now? Or was she acting all on her own, trying to suck-up to Flamsteed and gain his approval by trying to get other students interested in pet rocks? Was she trying to boost his ego by making him think he started a trend?

All the same, despite Soph's skepticism, she took one of the flyers and looked it over, holding it between herself and Tobes for them to both read.

"We could share a Pebbles Jr." THAT would be cool, okay?

Text Cut: Layla and The Grey Lady
Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Then the table started filling up and the Ravenclaw sunk down on the bench. Problem was Eden was popular and that meant people came and spoke to her and whatever and Layla became invisible. She wouldn’t have minded that much but still. She offered Evie a nod and a smile after she’d interacted with Eden, an interaction that received a slight raise of the brow. Sophie got a “hey” too and one of her half smiles. “Congratulations on the badge” she nodded at her. Politeness never went amiss.
Originally Posted by Grey Lady View Post
When (Sophie) the newly appointed prefect of Ravenclaw arrived at the table by piggyback ride on her boyfriends back Helena almost shook her head in disapproval. A prefect had to talk walk and be an example. It was the first night though so she let it pass and smiled broadly. "Congratulations Sophie to your prefect appointment! Mr Kitridge told me the wonderful news. Are you excited to take on your new responsibilities?"

Layla was awfully polite, wasn't she? Though the girl mostly lacked school spirit and always seemed to be uninterested in the going-ons around her, Soph did notice how Layla was always very nice to her when someone took the initiative to be kind to her first. Very good manners, the older girl had, and she even went the extra mile to be sweet about her new badge.

"Thanks, Layla. I reckon we're gonna have a good term." Unrelated to her receiving the badge, Sophie just had HIGH HOPES that this one was going to be good. She could just feel it, and she hoped her energy and optimism might rub off on the seventh year, too.

After all, the girl was probably super excited to be graduating soon, wasn't she?

Taken from her thoughts by the Grey Lady, Sophie forced a very sweet smile and actually curtsied when the house ghost addressed her, her tone sincere despite this being a very well-rehearsed speech, "Thank you, ma'am. Though I'm excited, I also know this is a great responsibility, and a great honor that I don't take lightly. So, more than excited, I'm mentally prepared to be the best leader I can be, look after others, and be a reliable friend and helper for those in need."

Heh. Heheheheh. It WAS very well-rehearsed, but Sophie simply smiiiiiled angelically, no hint of a lack of genuine spirit showing on her features. Of course she did mean those things, in fact, but she was putting on a sickly sweet show for the house ghost who never hesitated to announce her disapproval of Sophie's "unladylike behavior" and "poor posture," as the ghost so eloquently put it.

Text Cut: Eves and Benzi
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Evie was then distracted by the piggyback crew that entered, though it was much calmer than last term's. Evie grinned when Toby deposited Sophie beside her and said hello to the both of them. She reached out a hand to tug on Sophie's free one. "I have things to tell you," she said, but didn't clarify anything more than that. It was dormitory talk. Sophie could figure that out; she was smart.

HEHE. "Hi, Eden," she said with a big grin to kiss she blew at her. Evangeline made the motion of catching the kiss and tucking it in her robes pocket. HOW CUTE. She would talk to Eden later, too, since the table seemed very busy at the moment.

Wait, who was Benzi....?
Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
Before the pretty girl had time to even look at him, Piggy Back Couple had quit the piggy backing and started greeting everyone, so his attention jumped to them. He learned that Crazy Eyes Eden's friend was called Layla and that the pretty girl's name was Evie. And then Piggy Back Girl looked at HIM and o_O. Oh no.

He didn't think anyone other than Cutty would actually REGONISE him. He'd been so tiny back then. And those cornrows. So embarrassing. Blinking at the girl while searching his mind for HER name, Piggy Back Guy seemed to catch on and apparently also remembered him, and as Cutty's friend no less. Oh. OH. WAIT. HE REMEMBERED.

"You're Tobias Tempus!" Such a catchy name. "I REMEMBER YOU. You were friends with Forrest. And," he turned the girl, the cogs in his brain spinning rapidly now that he'd managed to remember ONE name, "you're.. you're SOPHIE. Or Sylvie. No, SOPHIE. With a colour for a last name." Was this the same Sophie Cutty had talked about? Who knows?And judging from that badge he recognised from his mother's old school photos, he added, "Prefect Sophie Colour Last Name. ... Man you guys grew up."

This was weird. It's like someone took their faces and STRETCHED them. And, like, made their noses pointier and their voices heavier. ODD. Very odd.

Satisfied with himself, Benzi made to swivel back to talk to the Evie girl when he caught sight of Crazy Eyes Eden, who seemed even more down than before. He wouldn't have given this the slightest bit of thought had something not started nagging in the back of his mind again. Eden.... Crazy Eyes.... Cutty's friend... CUTTY. NO WAY. COULD IT BE? Had he met the Eden already and just hadn't known it?! She fit the description of "try not to look directly into her eyes". HE GOT IT NOW. "YOU'RE Cutty's Eden?!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide.

Then Evie introduced herself, and he was instantly drawn back to the pretty, not before blinking blankly at Eden's friend Layla's look. He grinned and held out his hand like the polite man he was. "Hello, I'm Benzi, as you might have guessed already," he gestured to Toby and Sophie, "and you don't. I would have remembered you, trust me." More grinning. Perhaps even a wink. Perhaps.

YO! "Grey Lady!" he called out with a wave, a delighted smirk gracing his features. "Remember me?!" The GHOSTS. He'd FORGOTTEN about them. Eyes refocusing through the Grey Lady's robes, he looked up at the staff table for the first time and just as quickly looked away. Weird back of the mind tickling thing was happening again.

So. Food time? Perhaps? He was a growing boy, and the eight sandwiches his Mum had prepared him seemed like forever ago.

Turning her smile now to Evie, Soph gave a few nods at her hurried words and let herself be tugged a little closer, but she still didn't sit down yet. "I can't wait," she smiled, giving Evie's hand a supportive squeeze, and only dwelled for a few moments on what Eves could possibly want to talk about so urgently.

Because BENZI.

BENZI KNEW TOBES. AND FORREST. AND... "Brown, yes," Sophie's grin widened, pure elation apparent on her features. Her YEARMATE from her VERY FIRST TERM. HE WAS BACK. "You grew up, too," she laughed, noting for the first time just how much - he looked GOOD, didn't he? Merlin. Time was good to him.

Peeking curiously between Eden and Benzi, Soph's eyebrows raised. Cutty? Cutty's Eden? Ha! This sixth year didn't know what was going on, but she was EXCITED TO WATCH.
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