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Old 05-04-2015, 05:55 AM   #32 (permalink)
Nearly Headless Nick
Nearly Headless Nick's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Hogwarts.
Posts: 1,827
Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable

SPOILER!!: Emmylou
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship View Post
The sixth year clapped when another Gryffindor got sorted. Emmylou beamed at the other new student (Yoongi). WOOO HOOO GRYFFINDORS! She waved at him and introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Emmylou Duchannes." Semi-thick southern accent and all. "Welcome to Gryffindor! Yoongi." The blonde really hoped that she said the name right. Her accent probably made it sound like she was saying it wrong.

Emmylou nodded and beamed brightly at the new student (Jackson). It was always nice to meet new people. "Noooona? Is that good?" She didn't know what that meant. She only knew English and French and she only knew French because her grandmother was born somewhere near Paris. She wasn't sure where. Emmylou still gave the new student a confused look. She hoped it wasn't mean of her to do that.

Looking around she heard her best friend/cousin/sister (CINNA) yelling out her name. Her dark blue eyes scanned the Great Hall and then the Gryffindor house table. "CIIIINNNNNNA!!" Emmylou beamed and hugged her tightly. "Friend? Just a friend? Really? After all these year? Is that all I am to you? A FRIEND?!" She sounded pretty serious but she was totally joking right now.

The sixth year lioness beamed at their prefect (Zander). Who also made her break her arm last term but it was just an accident. Zander didn't mean to do it and Emmylou knew that but her arm still broke and it still hurt really, really bad. "My summer was alright." Lets just put it this way it could have been better. "How was your summer, sir Prefect?" What do Prefects do during the summer? Prefecting stuff?

THERE WAS HER NEW FRIEND! Well she was knew that he was her housemate (Benny) but she never really talked to him until the end of last term when she was hanging out with Adi. "Hi Benny!" She beamed. "How was your summer? Good I hope." Or great or amazing. Just as along and he had fun and didn't sit around and do nothing all day long that was good. The she saw AJ wave. She knew of her or well that she had triplets. Not her but her mom did and two of them were here and one in...Ravenclaw? She wasn't sure. She really hadn't talked to any of them but she talk to Angel once. "Hi AJ." She said waving back.

Emmylou beamed and started jumping up and down when Nearly Headless Nick came out!! This was so exciting. She had questions to ask him but she wasn't sure if this was a good time to asked them. "Hello Sir Nicholas." The sixth year beamed. "How was you summer?" She really wanted to know what it was like being a ghost but yeah she wasn't going to asked that.

"Hello and a very good evening to you," he smiled broadly down at the young lady. "I would be lying if I said it was anything other than dismal. Despite my persistent requests, the Headless Hunt continues to deny and make a proper mockery out of me."

All because of a measly half inch of skin.

"Perhaps, if all of Gryffindor house were to petition them, I may have a chance?"
SPOILER!!: Benny
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Emmylou greeted him, using the nickname he still hadn't shaken, and probably never would. "Hey," he returned, thinking on his summer and how bubbly she seemed. "It was pretty great," he admitted, offering a weak smile. The field trip....the quidditch camp...him finally really being back on the broom and in the game...or fending off crazy creatures. It was pretty interesting and fast paced. "How was yours?" he asked to be fair to her. She like him had appeared to have survived OWLs.

Zander got a wave back when the prefect made his appearance at the table. They had already seen each other on the train and it seemed like he was busy being prefecty with the new and returning students. There would be plenty of time for the boys to catch up, especially if they were still rooming together in the 6th year dorm.

Ah, there was the bestie making his rounds. Benny had no clue how Adi did it, bouncing from table to table during the course of the feast. At least for now the Hufflepuff was seated beside him as was proper and enjoyable. He couldn't help chuckling at his mention food. " nothing." The big breakfast before the train had been his last real meal and there were no real snacks in his possession at the moment. "You'll just need to wait a little while longer." But hey...a younger unfamiliar Gryffindor offered the boy chocolate frogs.

"Hey," Ben returned as Cinna joined the table, the area seemingly filled with all the sixth year lions. Did Gryffindors...flock? Or was it just sixth years in general since Lux made an appearance, marking two badgers from the year at the table as well. "Hi," he greeted the redhead.

Hey, there was another familiar face. Maybe AJ had some food for her boyfriend as surely she of all people besides him understood his empty pit. Benny gave her one of his nicer smiles and left her to her fluttering. Almost seemed like she was following Adi's footsteps and being a social butterfly this evening. No matter...a certain Gryffindor Ghost had made his appearance as well. "Good evening, Sir Nicholas."

"Good evening!" he politely waved to the sixth year.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Adi had hardly gotten the word 'Food' out of his mouth when he noticed a sudden movement and something whizzing in his direction. Startled, he automatically swept both of his hand up and caught... a set of Chocolate Froggies! If his reflexes from endless cricket hadn't been so good, he would have been smacked in the face but oh, gosh! This was so cool! His own stash that he had carried in his pocket was now gone because he had passed them out earlier to his Huffleuffs. "Hey! Thanks! How did you know these were my favourites?'' Adi called to the girl (Nat). He didn't think he had met her before.

The Puffer helped himself to a Froggie. Nom nom. Froggies were delicious. Yesh, they were? "Frog for a Dragon? Or does the Dragon want sours? Though I would have to disappoint you because I did not bring any for you this year.'' Hehe. Lies. "I'll see how longer I can hold off,'' he said in reply to the food. In the meanwhile, he would make use of the delicious chocolate. Oh, hey! It was AJ. Two years together and Adi still brightened even more every time he saw her. He watched her greet everyone at the table. Alright, people. It was his turn now, yeah? Give him back his AJ! LOL.

Adi grinned at Jackson. There was that Korean word again... or it sounded like that, anyway. Just to be on the safe side, he decided not to try to pronounce it this time lest he butchered it like he had done on the Train. "Too bad you missed out on the best House ever." Adi pointed to his House robes. Anywayyy... "You have to teach me to get those pronunciations right, Jackson."

Looooooky! So many Gryffindors, yo! HellllllloooOOOoo, the guy called Yoongi, Cinna, Chance, Lion dude (Michael) and firstie girls (Marsha and Evie)! a grin each for you lot. And there was Sir Nick tooooo! "Good evening, Sir Nick!" Adi waved at the ghost. Oh, Merlin! He had called the man Nick! "Sir NickOLAS, I meant.'' Hehe.

See! Sir Nicholas KNEW that one could teach a Hufflepuff new tricks. He would have to gloat about this to the Bloody Baron later. For the most part.

"Good evening," he bowed to the young man.

SPOILER!!: Prefect Zander
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zander wasn’t really sure why the girl was chuckling, but um he chuckled a bit too in return? You know… In case he actually did say something funny? Actually, no he was pretty sure he didn’t. Merlin, meeting people was always a very, very strange thing. Nat,” he only repeated it once out loud, but fifty million times in his head. He wasn’t going to forget it. NOPE. ”Merlin, I’m starving!” Okay he liked this one. ”The Headmistress likes to take her time.” She was like the queen. The queen who took away Prefect badges and was totally intimidating and everything.

Then he turned to Jackson and gave him a weird look. Hyung??? What was a Hyung? ”Uh, no.. I’m Zander… My name’s just Zander? Who’s hee-uh-ung?” Mispronouncing the whole way through by the way. Oops? Zander Adair not Zander Hyung. Where did this guy come up with that anyways? Was HIS name Hyung?

Merlin. All this meeting new people stuff was kind of exhausting? So when Zander saw the next batch of new faces, he just gave them all warm smiles. They had plenty of time for introductions. Like in the Common Room. No worries, this wasn’t entirely his duty, right? Right. But otherwise he decided to stick with the people he actually knew, like Emmylou. ”Only alright?” This was probably Zander’s best summer yet to be quite honest. He hung out with the likes of Kevin, Puck, Sophie’s Tobes AND Sophie Brown. Then on top of that there was a field trip he was actually old enough to go on. And well anyways, ”My summer was alright too, just glad to have gotten the school year done with, y’know?” Except they were back now so that was kind of… Yeah.

See, wasn’t wrong was he? Where there was a Benny, there was usually an Adi. Not that the Gryffindor minded or anything, Adi was great. Somehow the guy always had energy. And the patience to jump around from table to table whilst not being all grumbly about food things. Ahem. Except Zander wasn’t being all grumbly this time around because this was a good day. So far. Hopefully Gryffindor wouldn’t lose any points off the bat this time around. Zander was going to keep in check. MHM. Especially because he knew he was already on the radar after everything last year. No more detentions for this kid NOPE.

And then when there was an Adi there was normally an AJ, so that one wasn’t surprising either. Except AJ was actually a Gryffindor so it wouldn’t have been surprising either way and you know what? Never mind. Merlin. He opted to give her a wave too, but before he knew it she was making his way over. Ah, fist bump? They were still doing that then? Zander returned of course and he was making an improvement with it too. See his fist bump was ALMOST professional level now, or well… At least he didn’t hesitate AS much, okay? Baby steps. And then she brought it up. Merlin, the sixth year had REALLY been hoping that she forgot about that. ”Erm yeah… About your plan… We’ve got to talk about that,” later. Talk about that later. Or never. Either one. But there was just a SLIGHT issue with the whole take-a-bunch-of-first-year-minions-into-the-forbidden-forrest-to-retrieve-a-unicorn-for-AJ thing.

And soon enough everyone else was trickling in too. Which meant a wave to Cinna—who he still felt very awkward about—and a smile at Lux and Chance. Sir Nicholas got a grand smile. ”Hello, Sir!” Always a load of fun he was.

"Hello and good evening, my boy!" he ghost cheered as he floated a bit closer to the young man. "I went ahead and did you and Puck a favour earlier this evening. Took a quick peek into the common room before Professor Flamsteed shushed me away. Would you like a hint of what the professor have planned?"

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Red and gold! Red and gold!

Lance trotted down towards the Gryffindor table with the largest and proudest beam on his face that he could conjure up. Although, it kinda sorta felt like the train all over again; a few faces he knew in a swarm of faces he didn't know. He took up the opportunity to sit near the faces he DID know and to sit down quickly before he looked like a doofus just standing there next to the table. Man, he was on a roooooll today.

"Marsha! How cool is THIS?" he grinned to the redhead. He MAY have giggled, maybe, but he soon became semi-distracted with who he was sitting nearby. Lots of unfamiliar people... except that one boy whose name he didn't remember already, and...

"Hello!" he waved to the girl he met on the train (Evie). She was pretty cool for letting them sit in her compartment. Like, totally cool. Did they know what else was totally cool? A ghost just floated up THROUGH the TABLE. Through it. Because it was a ghost.

This time, he totally meant to be openly staring.
"It is quite rude to stare," Sir Nicholas chuckled. But since the boy WAS asking for it...

The ghost unceremoniously pulled back on his head to show the first year just how he had received the nickname 'Nearly Headless.'
SPOILER!!: Natalia
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake View Post
To a certain degree, Natalia was getting a little uncomfortable with the large crowd. It was like a throng of people at the Gryffindor table (with a couple of badgers) at the same place. A bit overwhelming, but exciting, yes.

Natalia was fixing her hair when she noticed a familiar-looking face. Ahh, finally! For once, Natalia didn't feel so left out after all. She waved at Lux who had just came over from the Hufflepuff table. Yes, Natalia knew her, sort of. "Heeey, remember me??" Natalia added hopefully. She didn't exactly have a long conversation with the badger, but it was long enough for Natalia to learn a little about her. "You're Lux, right? On the train?"

Oh gawd. So this was the ghost that everyone was talking about.

Natalia tried to get a good look at the ghost - Sir Nicholas - as others called him. Quite fascinating, but not a very pleasant figure to look at - as were all other ghosts. Natalia waved at him with eagerness nonetheless.

How did she know? The Lioness smiled to herself as the boy (Adi) accepted her offer of Chocolate Frogs. "I knew because I'm awesome. No more questions." That was a bit blunt, wasn't it? Well it was true, Natalia did think she was pretty awesome. "I'm Natalia the Awesome, who are you?" Nat decided to introduce herself, now that the conversation started.

Natalia nodded as the prefect repeated her name. "Yes, I'm Nat. Good job." This prefect - Zander - was going to be an amusing one, Natalia could tell. "Yes, they-" Natalia pointed to the staff table, appearing high and noble above the rest of the four tables. "-like to starve us, apparently." She added a small smile at the corner of her lips. "My first impression of Hogwarts is that the professors enjoy watching us suffer from hunger."

With all the students congesting around the table, Natalia was starting to confuse herself with all the names she heard, both from official introductions and overheard conversations. So who was who, exactly? :/

The Gryffindor House Ghost eagerly returned her wave. After having readjusted his head, of course.

SPOILER!!: Prefect Puck
Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
She had lost Benzi somewhere in the rush of making sure everyone got safely off of the train and finding a carriage to ride in. Still, she did glance around at the different tables, grinning when she spotted him over at Ravenclaw. That meant she’d have to go over there eventually – awesome.

Puck looked up at the fifth year boy who joined the table, “Welcome to Gryffindor Jackson,” Puck grinned over to him. “I’m Puck Greyvson, CoPrefect to Zander” she nodded toward Zander and grinned. “Gryffindor’s pretty cool,” she nodded and grinned.

Puck paid attention to the sorting and watched as the little Lance and Marsha were sorted. Cute kids really, they seemed so happy…and they could be her minion’s yes? Well, you know she’d have to keep an eye out for them…it was the Prefectly thing to do.

“Welcome to Gryffindor – if you guys ever have any questions about anything…” she grinned and leaned closer, “even where to find the hidden food stashes in the common room I’m your girl…also I’m kind of usually behind the hidden food stashes” she admitted and grinned to the two. Because food was totally important, she did grin over to AJ when she explained the house as the best house ever. “AJ’s right we are the best house ever,” she nodded and grinned some more. “How are you by the way AJ?” She asked kindly and of course gave Angel and Benny and everyone in their usual posse a big smile as if transferring the question to them as well. Benny and Adi she did send a grin, “what did you guys think about Cutty’s prank?” She asked a laugh clearly just behind the surface of her lips.

“Lux you are never going to guess what happened in the Prefect’s compartment” Puck laughed over to her and beamed. “Really, I wouldn’t have thought it would happen and then BAM it happened.” She nodded and grinned over to her.

“Good Evening, Sir Nicholas. Was your summer a good one?” Puck asked the ghost before turning her attention to the other’s at the table…hey older guy that wasn’t sorted? Maybe he was the guy she’d heard about over the years? The one that had gone to Durmstrang with Lo – not being sure Puck just sent him a smile before sending Chance a big grin (Michael). “Chance Coeur, how was your summer? And how was the internship?” She asked happily, before turning her attention to Evie. “Hey, welcome to Gryffindor,” Puck grinned at her. “Don’t worry you’ll be fine,” Puck grinned and made a point to look up at the staff stable.

HAD THEY LOST THEIR MARBLES? Her eyes widened as she registered the sight of the guy that had been talked about in the Daily Prophet…Sabel Dakest was their professor? Dear merlin…what in merlins crusty pants were they thinking? She glanced vover to Zander and grinned.

“Hey Zander, if you see Amur later we might need to…uh…calm her down? I mean she got all nervous at the school trip and well…” she shrugged her shoulder and glanced at the table. “The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was in the Daily Prophet’s…cultist article” she muttered the last bit nervously. Remain calm.

She was going to remain calm. Okay. Food had to happen…and the speech she wanted to hear the reasoning behind this and fast. She sent her other companions and associates grins as well.

Nat, she heard her answer to Adi’s question and grinned. She was going to like her, she knew that already. “Nice to meet you Natalia the Awesome” she interjected and grinned to her. “I’m Puck” she did hear her interaction with Zander and grinned even more. Gosh, the sass game for Gryffindor was on. “Puck like from Shakespeare not the sports equipment” she grinned.

“Emmylou how are you….oh god that rhymed please poison me with some potion and don’t save me” the rhyming was awful. She wasn’t trying to be gross sounding or anything and that clearly was. It was like Seuss but worse. “Still, how are you? How have you been since the school trip?” She asked happily. The smile she sent Cinnamon was cooler than it had been intended to be but it was genuine. “Hey Cinna how are you?” She asked happily. “How was your summer?” She did hope that she hadn’t gotten Emmy to think that she would do so much as flirt with Kace, nope, there were other guys for that…hey she could flirt with Benzi, Benny even though she was a girl and not a guy but still they had their thing…but still, she was going to have fun this term and well study some for NEWTs next year.

“How did OWLs turn out for you guys?” She asked anxiously and grinned to the two because she was hoping that her friends had AMAZING scores. Also where was Kace? "Oh...guys when Kace gets here I want to tell you three something hilarious that happened on the train and well, I need to tell you two and Bianca of course about this summer..." she grinned. "I might have met someone," she grinned and glanced over to the Ravenclaw table for a moments time.

"No," he bluntly replied. "As I was telling Emmylou just a moment ago, it was absolutely dismal."
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