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Old 05-04-2015, 05:36 AM   #31 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post

Chance was a fan. Always a fan of gryffindors. He cheered on as new Gryffies made their way to the table. This was his second to last year to enjoy this. The feast. Chance nudged his way in between the students and sat down. As much as he liked the new Gryffies, he need food more.

He was low on money so he wasn't able to get snacks on the train. His mouth watered for the food Hogwarts made. He interned at WHiM this summer and it had been amazing but he ate what his mum had cooked, and she wasn't the best cook in the world. LOVE YOU MOM! The elves though, oh goodness, their food.. Was amazing.

Come on speech start. Chance was hungry food food!
Hayley wasn't far behind Chance, after their arrival to the castle the Ravenclaw had snuck off to ensure Tulip was safe and sound, before making her way into the Great Hall. Though she probably should have headed for her own table, where Benzi would probably be - given he was a fellow Ravenclaw, returned, - the newly turned fifth year found herself starting toward the Gryffindors instead as grey-blue eyes gazed among the many faces, seeking out one or two in particular. No Chloe in sight, but she did find Chance.

Casually sliding into the seat beside the older boy, Hayley gave him a gentle nudge with her elbow and offered another small smile, as if to silently let him know she was there. She doubted he would mind too much. "To answer your question from before," One of which she had successfully avoided for the time being, somehow or another during the train ride, "you didn't do anything."

And hopefully Chance knew now, she did want to try and be friends, and not let last year get in the way of that. If she hadn't, well.. she wouldn't have spent her train ride with him - and she certainly wouldn't be sitting beside him now, either. To her, it was obvious. To him, well..

Glancing up as more Gryffindors arrived and took their seats, greeting friends and happily making conversation, some of which addressed Chance as well, Hayley's attention drifted further down the table as she leaned forward slightly. It was funny, hearing a Professor call out 'Diggory' for the sorting hat ceremony. She hadn't expected to hear that for at least another year, when her little brother would be old enough to start Hogwarts. But this Diggory was not her little brother, he was now her big brother, and it was entirely strange to think at this time last year, Hayley didn't have the first clue she would no longer be the eldest Diggory in her family.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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