A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
To a certain degree, Natalia was getting a little uncomfortable with the large crowd. It was like a throng of people at the Gryffindor table (with a couple of badgers) at the same place. A bit overwhelming, but exciting, yes.
Natalia was fixing her hair when she noticed a familiar-looking face. Ahh, finally! For once, Natalia didn't feel so left out after all. She waved at Lux who had just came over from the Hufflepuff table. Yes, Natalia knew her, sort of. "Heeey, remember me??" Natalia added hopefully. She didn't exactly have a long conversation with the badger, but it was long enough for Natalia to learn a little about her. "You're Lux, right? On the train?"
Oh gawd. So this was the ghost that everyone was talking about.
Natalia tried to get a good look at the ghost - Sir Nicholas - as others called him. Quite fascinating, but not a very pleasant figure to look at - as were all other ghosts. Natalia waved at him with eagerness nonetheless. How did she know? The Lioness smiled to herself as the boy (Adi) accepted her offer of Chocolate Frogs. "I knew because I'm awesome. No more questions." That was a bit blunt, wasn't it? Well it was true, Natalia did think she was pretty awesome. "I'm Natalia the Awesome, who are you?" Nat decided to introduce herself, now that the conversation started.
Natalia nodded as the prefect repeated her name. "Yes, I'm Nat. Good job." This prefect - Zander - was going to be an amusing one, Natalia could tell. "Yes, they-" Natalia pointed to the staff table, appearing high and noble above the rest of the four tables. "-like to starve us, apparently." She added a small smile at the corner of her lips. "My first impression of Hogwarts is that the professors enjoy watching us suffer from hunger."
With all the students congesting around the table, Natalia was starting to confuse herself with all the names she heard, both from official introductions and overheard conversations. So who was who, exactly? :/
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