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Old 05-03-2015, 07:23 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jan 2014
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norah Kittredge
Seventh Year
Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb

SPOILER!!: Kace!
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
This was Kace's last time at the start of term feast. I didn't hit him till he made his way into the great hall. He looked around and noticed all the new faces and the old ones. He realized he wouldn't be able to do this next summer. Jeez what was he gonna do in the summer? He had NO idea. Possibly work part time at the diner down the street. Who knows? As he made his way over to his favorite table, the Hufflepuff table which is like his second home. He loved his house and everyone in it. He saw Norah, Adi and oooohhh lookie here, it is Emmy! She was never here before him.

He grinned and made his way over and hugged Emmy from behind. "Hey Emms. Didn't think you would be here before me.." he smiled and kissed her cheek. Then for fun he went back and raspberried her cheek *insert evil cackle here* He waved to Norah and Adi and asked, "Did you both have good summers?"
The smile that had replaced Norah's totally mature pouty face got even bigger when Kace showed up for his last feast EVER. Well, last start of term feast ever. Unless he came back as a professor one day! That'd be awesometastic. "Hiya Kace!" She leaned over to give him a quick hug even though he was making funny noises on Emmy's cheek, which was just weird. "Mine was okaaaaaaaaay," she answered, shrugging 'cause it was the weirdest holiday in the history of ever, probably. Fourteen was strange. She wasn't sure she liked it anymore. She shook her head a little so one of her curls whacked her in the nose and resumed her grinning again. "But how was YOURS? Didja do cool stuff? Didja do magic at home? DIDJA BLOW STUFF UP?" That was the REAL QUESTION hehehe. Seventeen was probably LOADS better than fourteen, uh huh uh huh. 'Cept fourteen was supposed to be awesome so maybe the entire world was a lie.
SPOILER!!: Torie!
Originally Posted by Lizasaurus View Post
Torie felt about 2 inches tall now as he slowed down as he approached the Hufflepuff table. Everyone looked so big now and he was so little. He glanced up to the sorting hat as Jay's name was called, maybe he should wait until Jay got sorted. Oh no! What if he didn't get sorted into Hufflepuff like he thought he was going to be! He now feared he might be all alone in Hufflepuff and know no one! Chris was already at the Ravenclaw table!

He didn't realize he was backing up until he bumped into a bigger girl behind him at the Hufflepuff table and squeaked as he turned around quickly wide eyed and fearful. "Sorry" he murmured.
Norah had pulled her knees up to the table to rest her chin on them when suddenly there was s squeaky someone bumping into her. After wobbling (apparently she wasn't very good at balancing on her bottom) she put one purple trainer back on the floor and turned around to see who it'd been. HOLY BANANAS. A FIRSTIE. The fourth year grinned at the ickle, who was even ickle-er than her 'zactly 5 feet of height. "Don't you worry!" she said, grinning to widely her dimples were probably in danger of falling off. She almost had to physically restrain herself from patting him on the head 'cause if he was anything like Rusty he reeeeaaaally wouldn't like that. But look how CUTE! "I'm Norah! Welcome to the bestest house ever. D'ya like hugs?" She'd sooooo give him one if he liked those. Patting the empty seat beside her, she added, "You can sit by me, if you'd like. I'd like that for sure." Duh. She wanted to sit by ALL the people, 'specially ickle people because it was hard to mope around all that cuteness, yep.
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