y'all PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Why did everything here feel so CHILDISH. His uniform was tailored and weird. The carriages felt like the type of thing ten year old Suri would enjoy and now this Great Hall with the floating candles that he remembered. He was actually surprised at how little he remembered the details of this place. Or perhaps it had changed. Regardless, he felt like they were all playing overgrown children.
It was a weird feeling to shake.
Having lost Puck as he disembarked the train, he'd tried to find Hayley, Noel and Cutty too but they'd all seemed to have disappeared, so he'd made his way up to the castle in silence. Turning to face the Ravenclaw table - at least the cutlery was wasn't actually plastic and baby proof - Benzi made his way over and towards the small group of girls already sat there looking roughly his age. Or, er, small group of girls and a couple of piggy backers. Who looked vaguely familiar.
... This weird nagging feeling that he knew people was going to get very old, very fast.
He sat by the pretty girl (Evie) and was about to introduce himself when he noticed none other than Crazy Eyes seated directly across from him. Sad looking Crazy Eyes being comforted by the blonde next to her. Of course she'd be in Ravenclaw. Of course. "Hey there," he grinned to the table in general but mostly to the pretty girl. Because Crazy Eyes was crazy, and he was in a weird enough mood as it is. Also because Piggy Back Couple were making his brain hurt.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |