Text Cut: Zandeeeer the Prefect boi
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And after that VERY confusing two Pucks thing that had gone down in the Prefects compartment, he sort of had a headache. So much confusion. Good thing school feasts involved food, 'cause food was the BEST cure to EVERYTHING. But a feast would be weird if it didn't involve fo--ahem. He was only confusing himself further with these internal monologues. Merlin. You'd think he'd out grow that after third year or something? Wrong.
Anyways. Feast. He was here, okay? Maybe he wasn't exactly the first to the table. But uh, Prefects had to check the train to make sure everyone had gotten off okay. Yeah. That's it. Never mind the fact that it wasn't actually in writing anywhere. And before anyone asked, no he did not get lost on his way up to the castle. There was no need to rush anyways.
As he made his way towards the Gryffindor table, he noticed a few new faces already. This is the part where he went to make introductions, right? Right. And if not here then it'd happen at the Common Room or on the way up, so you know... Adjusting the Prefect badge on his robe, he walked past Emmy giving her a big smile, "Hope you had a great summer, Emmy," before sending a wave over towards Benny who would most likely be joined by his girlfriend, girlfriend's sister, and Adi at some point. He sent a smile towards Nemo as well, knowing very well that the boy was good friends with Damien. Damien who was bound to show up very soon.
But now, for the FRESH FACES (aka the Jackson one and the Natalia one, though he didn't know that yet). He addressed them both at once, "Hi you two, I'm-uh-Zander Adair. Sixth year and um one of your Prefects. Welcome to Gryffindor." Did he pass?
Natalia turned around to see another unfamiliar face at the Gryffindor table. He stammered a couple times in his speech, but Natalia found that quite amusing and tried to hold down her laughter. Oh, so
this was one of the Gryffindor prefects.
"Oh, hello." Natalia let out a soft chuckle.
"I'm Natalia, or Nat." What do prefects even do? Do they just walk around and patrol the castle?
"And thanks." Natalia could feel her stomach letting out a little growl. She didn't know what to say next to the prefect, or to any of the people around her. Talk about the weather?
"So..." Natalia looked around the table, searching for a topic starter.
"Is anybody else as hungry as I am?" She added a hopeful smile to the end of her question, hoping that someone would find it useful.
Text Cut: The gregarious HUFFIE
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Honourary Gryffindor coming through!
"Hello, everyyyoneee!'' Adi announced his presence as though he really did belong to that House table. "Hey, Jackson! Congrats on being Sorted into Gryffindor!'' Yay for another friend that was in Lion House. The bespectacled Hufflepuff took a seat next to Benny as he waved to Nemo, Zander and another girl (Nat). There was Emmy too and she got a grin. He casually thought of her a Frog Girl... or toad girl. Hehe.
Anywayyy... "Food,'' Adi said to Benny. "I need food.'' Sometimes, unfortunately, Chocolate Frogs were not enough to soothe a growing boy's hunger pangs. LOL.
Before Natalia could pat herself in the back for trying to start a useful conversation, another voice came from behind and startled her, quite frankly.
Natalia thought she would explode if she heard another cheerful voice like that. Who was this guy...couldn't he keep the excitement to himself? Natalia's introverted characteristic was starting to manifest itself.
She eyed the boy from the corner of her peripheral vision and shook her head to herself. Helpless lust for food. Natalia threw a package of chocolate frogs to the boy's direction. Would that ease his madness for a bit? Natalia had had enough of chocolate. She wanted real food. Chicken, perhaps.