SPOILER!!: Seth! ^_^
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That was all that was heard as Seth trunk landed on his foot, wanting to say a few choices of bad words, but he didn't due to youngsters being around. So... instead, he just sung a nice lovely song to himself to not think about the pain in his foot. 'Great now going to be limping like a old man without it cane! ' Seth thought to himself as he strapped his trunk in. His owl Icicle on his shoulder ruffed her wings in annoyance at the sound. Sorry Icicle, didn't mean to scare you girl! "said Seth petting his snowy white owl.
Seth looked around seeing the Prefect from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were here, Seth raised his eyebrows. 'Patrolling already? Dang they work quickly , or else they're tired of being Prefect, the only thing great about it you don't get in trouble for being out past curfew! "Seth thought to himself.
"You're awfully croaky today, Guster,'' Adi commented, turning his head slightly so that his cheek bumped against Gus's rough skin.
"You seem to be more excited than I am.'' He didn't blame Gus for that. The toady probably loved Hogwarts as much as his owner did. Gus could always be found hopping around some where in the Castle.
Adi was about to leave when he heard someone speaking. He looked around to see a guy talking to an owl. Icicle? What an interesting name for an owl. Why not tell the guy what he thought? Adi being Adi would not usually keep his thoughts to himself.
"Hey! That's a cool and interesting name for an owl.'' Also, he had not missed the raised eyebrows look he had been getting.