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"True, right now it's a sellers market for train buying. In the winter, nobody buys, so we should get a better price. I can pay half with my piggy bank money if you pay half with yours. Deal?" And the little blonde held out her hand as if making an important business deal. To be honest, Ophelia barely knew what she was talking about, being thirteen and not interested or knowledgeable in the markets and all. However, her dad talked about this stuff all of the time, and whatever she said was stuff he said all of the time. Besides the piggy bank thing. That was all Ophelia. All adorable Ophelia.
And the chocolate frog thing was cute. Merlin, he was cute. Ridiculously cute. But he was wrong. There was a reason she didn't like this shirt, and for dramatic effect, the short girl rolled her round grey eyes and let out a biiiiiig sigh. Because drama, ya know?
"I don't like this shirt because it's TRADITION. Every year I wear something casual and sort of sloppy on the train ride to Hogwarts. This year I look all not sloppy and everything! I want to look like a sloppy mess!" She pouted her lip extra just to spite him, sighing again as if this were a problem he had to fix somehow. Because it was. And even though she knew he would go to the ends of the earth for her -and for the record she would do the same for him- this was not going to be easy to fix.
And then there was the bruise on his eye. Oh Merlin, she was going to make so many snapping jokes with that. He asked for it. Okay, he didn't at all, but in her mind he did for telling her about the snapping thing. Her eyes gleamed with mischief and she stopped pouting and uncrossed her arms long enough to spit a few out.
"This is why you shouldn't make SNAP choices. Wasn't that joke just Snappy? I mean, I should probably treat you GINGERLY, but the opportunity was too good and I had to SNAP it up!" Someone stop the short haired girl before she hurt herself. Seriously, these were getting baaad. And that was saying something.
Austin shook her hand.
"Deal, Queenie." She really seemed to know what she was talking about. Even though both of them knew otherwise. But again, it was fun to play along.
"It's a good thing I brought my piggy bank to Hogwarts then." Okay, so he didn't have a piggy bank. The money he had was stored elsewhere. But he would spend it all on a train if that's what Ophie wanted. So long as he had enough money afterwards to buy candy. That was the deal breaker.
Austin put his hand on his chin, and pretended to ponder.
"Ophie darling you look fabulous." He chuckled at the fake accent he did. It wasn't grand, but it got his point across.
"But since you already broke your original tradition, we could make a new one. Maybe instead of dressing like a slob, we should dress up nice and fancy." That would be a cool idea actually. He looked down at his own flannel and skinny jeans. He didn't look like a slob, which was good.
"I now feel under dressed. I should have worn a nice dress shirt or something." Oh well.
Someone call the police, Austin was being murdered by cuteness. How could his jokes ever stand up to her awesome? Oh right, this is how.
"Oh, it was just a SNAP decision. I was in such a daze that I didn't SNAP out of it in time, and added too much ginger snap. Next time I need to be GINGER about the amount I use."
He let out a laugh, glad to be smiling again. It was always nice to have Ophelia around. She could always make him happy, and even made his stupid bruise stop hurting. It was a dumb mistake. He knew that if he added too much something would happen. But he wanted to increase the length of the effect, which he know knew was not going to happen by adding more ginger snap.
"Do you think that we'll be leaving soon? I really want to get to that feast." The feast was the best part of the whole thing. There were endless amounts of food and pumpkin juice to go around. Hopefully this year will go better than last years feast. Maybe he could actually enjoy it this term.