HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Someone was a bit touchy when it came to their music being removed. Sheeeeeesh, but still, it was intriguing to see how his face relaxed when he saw her there next to him. She chuckled when he called her Chili Pepper Girl.
Diagon Alley had been fun, it almost made her forget about seeing herself. “Oh how is it?” She asked as she pointed toward the book and grinned over to him, a laugh erupting from her throat when he took some of the gummy worms.
“Oh…I just met myself, mind boggling stuff there…” she winked over to him and grinned. “But I’m actually serious, I just met myself in the prefect’s compartment so…there’s an imposter Puck on this train” she shrugged and rolled her eyes.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |