Originally Posted by
Phew, thank goodness she sat opposite him instead of right next to. "Yeah! That'd be cool 'cause she's a first year too! AND she said she knows another first year called..." Izaac paused and squinted one eye. "... can't remember his name, but imagine if we could all know each other before school even starts!?" It was important. Newbies had to be in this together.
Well, he hadn't meant her WHOLE-FULL name but that was still good to know. He was right about the nickname thing then. "Why didn't they call you Rainy?" He said, pondering. Yes, let's question new friends' nicknames! "I mean, but Rusty is still really cool, though..." Move on! "My whole name is Izaac Bill Dafforn. But people call me Zac 'cause it's shorter." If they were going for formalities.
"D'you know when we're leaving?" It had to be any second now. The platform had cleared up a bit, leaving parents waving and stuff. He looked for his mum again and actually SPOTTED her! Zac sat up properly and waved to his hearts content!
"That would be so cool!" Yeah, honestly? Rowan had been a liiiiittle bit worried. Because most of the magic people she'd met so far had seemed a bit... snooty. Or uninterested in her. So it was nice to know she was already going to have friends.
"How many people do you think go to this school? I didn't know there would be this many magical people. I was really surprised when we went to Diagon Alley. They're so good at hiding it from people who can't do magic, which is a bit rubbish really, cause it's so cool."
"I dunno. It's cause I'm ginger. Alan said I'd been outside in the rain so much I'd gone rusty, and the buttons on my favourite dungarees went all rusty too so I think that's why." To be honest, it was so long ago she didn't actually remember it. She only remembered what people told her. Rowan didn't even remember to answer to her real name most of the time, but her grammy had told her she might have to if the teachers called her that.
"Dafforn? That's kinda like daffodils." She thought about that for a second, fiddling with the daisy hair clip in her hair.
"I think daffodils are my third favourite flower after daisies and sunflowers. So it's a cool name." Her love for daisies was evident, considering her bag was patterned with them and she wore one in her hair. Rusty was all about flowers. She LOVED them.
"Oh, I don't know, I hope it's soon, I wanna go and learn some magic!" Rowan watched Zac waving at someone - his mum? - and scanned the crowd. ... Grammy was STILL THERE!
"I thought she'd gone home already!" Rusty waved
very enthusiastically at her grandmother, her new charm bracelet jingling on her wrist, and Grammy Helen waved back... in a much calmer fashion. She fit right in here, Grammy Helen. It was a shame she wasn't a witch like the others, cause she looked like one, with her long plaited grey hair, woven with flowers, and her brightly coloured, flowing clothes. Rusty had always suspected she could do more magic than she let on, but then she'd have been to a special school, wouldn't she? Sigh. Well. Rowan could just TEACH her.
SPOILER!!: Marsha
Originally Posted by
Tiro MacMhuirich
Getting on to the train wasn't hard. At all. Leaving her Tad, Mam and little baby sister Alis behind, however was. It would be okay though - she had older... relatives(????) at school so if she ever needed them, her Mam and uncle Thunder had told her to find Gabe or Ruby, and her Tad had told her to find Hayley. Not that they were closely, or at all blood-related but in their family that didn't matter... Family was the people who stuck around and were there for you.
SO. With that being said, she had to find her NEW family.
She had told Zac AND Lance that she would find them on the train... So, she would do that. She would be good to her word. She would be thereeee.
Waving one final time to her family she pulled her self together and went in search of the boys she had met over the Summer. Thankfully, she didn't have to search for very long before she found Zac.
Sliding the compartment door open, she grinned at the boy. "Hi Zac!" Hopefully he remembered her. 'Cause otherwise this was embarassing.
Taking a step into the compartment, she closed the door behind her and took a seat just inside the door, at the opposite end of the bench that Zac was on. Her back against the compartment glass as she looked towards Zac and the other girl. "Hi, she added with a wiiiiide smile. "I'm Marsha, its nice to meet you." Manners were good. They would equal friends!
ooc: My net is still down at my Dads (where I am tonight) so I might be slow to reply until tomorrow afternoon after 4pm GMT. <3 Sorry, but she's here! <3
"Hi Marsha! I'm glad you found us, Zac said he knew you." Rowan BEAMED at the other girl, and positioned herself so she was looking at them both, rather than out of the window.
"My name's Rusty and I'm new too." So they could be FRIENDS.
"Are you guys new to magic or can your grown ups do it?" Rusty asked, skipping right past any more introductions and getting into the real talk - cause she was SO curious.
"Cause everyone was so surprised where I live. There was a ministry person and he was surprised at all the people in my family and he told my mum and my grammy all about the school and then we went to Diagon Alley and I lost my mum there cause she was so amazed by the magic stuff that she was lagging behind so I went to see the owls. Did you know they make owls carry all their letters and packages even the big ones?!" Yeah, Rowan was still APPALLED at that, and she would continue to be so until an owl told her it was okay. And since she couldn't
speak owl... that was going to be difficult.