open HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED What was going on in here? There were things on the floor, some poor kid’s robe was haphazardly sticking out of their trunk like it had been packed by a tornado of a girl. “Dreadful” she muttered to herself as she quickly righted the things, even opening said trunk and shoving the clothing back inside. No one wanted their…things to end up in someone else’s possession.
“that’s better” she muttered and quickly thrust the clothing back into the trunk labled simply E. Cavendish. Seriously, she was going to have to chat with Liz about putting her things away better. If the term had started on a whirlwind it would end with a hurricane.
Thrusting her own trunks into one of the neat pile was all Puck could think of doing right now. She really didn’t want to go into the Prefect’s compartment just yet. But she would, later. After food? And maybe finding friends to talk to?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |