Thread: Back Cars
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Old 05-02-2015, 04:38 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Evangeline Whitlock
First Year

SPOILER!!: Ophelia
Originally Posted by carpediem View Post
the train back - Polyvore

Ophelia was both officially a teen and officially in the HOUSE! Well, not the actual house, because there weren't actually houses on trains, but still. The train house. No, that sounded weird. House train? Party Train? Train hotel? Hotel Train? Okay, naming was hard! Never mind that, it was the thought that counted, right? The thought of party trains or party houses traveling around Europe like a moving tour.....


Okay, the little blonde was really going to have to find Austin and a seat now, because as dictator, her first task for him was going to be to commandeer a train for their use. Well, them and anyone she liked, of course. They could have an inconspicuous moving home that would let them get from place to place and plan out everything while simultaneously dancing to whatever new music she could find. YES! She was a genius. An evil genius perhaps, but genius was genius no matter how misguided. And it gave her an excuse to talk to him, and it continued their little hypothetical game.

Okay, seriously, where was this boy? Was he invisible? Did he even come to Hogwarts this year? He said he was going and if she found out that he had to stay home fore some reason, Ophelia would literally find his house, go there, and drag his butt back onto the Hogwarts express, school clothes or no school clothes. She wasn't going a whole year without him. A couple of months had been torture. A year would be a death sentence.

Finally finding Austin in the back of the train, the shorter girl smiled and went up to his compartment right away. She didn't need an invitation to sit down or anything. It was something that she knew she was going to do and he probably expected. They sat together practically everywhere, even her parents started shifting over at dinner and on the couch so they could sit together. Which was incredibly awkward. But incredibly sweet. Even if Issac snickered a bit every time.

Opening the train compartment, Ophelia smiled at her crush and sat down next to him, placing her suitcase across from their seat and giving it one last look before ignoring it completely for more important matters at hand. Like hello's and talking about their summer and falling asleep on his shoulder because seriously, you barely slept and you're really super tired. All of that. Especially the last one. the Ravenclaw was a sleepy child.

"First order of buisness, I need you to commandeer a train. Any kind, though it needs to be big enough to party in. I'll tell you the exact reason why later, but all you need to know about is train." The gleam in her grey eyes aluded that this was a joke, which she hoped he understood. Please don't get her arrested for stealing a train. Ophelia didn't need that on her record.

And yes, that was how she chose to greet him. In more formal and respectable circles, they might actually... say hello, but Ophelia really wasn't into all of that stuff. the girl with the newly short hair was more of a go with the flow/do whatever kind of person mixed with a feisty personality. A terrifying, yet winning combination. But seriously, that stupid train wasn't getting out of her head and it was bothering her because the invention seemed so great.

And there was the matter of clothes. Why she kind of looked like she rolled out of bed and then continued rolling to the train station. Well, it was tradition. She dressed down for the train every year, although the first and second years were an accident caused by not having enough time. This time, the youngest Clarke child barely slept at all the night before. She was probably going to crash on the train and drool all over herself in front of her crush, but tradition.

"Also, I'm not hiding from anybody. The clothes are tradition. For the record, this top is really cute and I'm kind of mad that I wore it." Pulling on her green top to make a point, Ophelia sort of pouted to show her disdain. Man, she felt like she hadn't talked to Austin for a while now, even though it was only several days. she wanted to talk to him constantly. What? He was cute and fun to talk to. Sue her.

HOLY EYE BATMAN! What happened to it exactly? Why was it all messy? Did Austin get into a fight? Did she have to teach him self-defense? Her she was, blathering on about trains and the kid was in pain! Nope, Ophelia was going to spring into care mode now. Enjoy you Blue- Eyed Teddy Bear.

"Merlin! Your eye!" It was practically a whisper with both curiosity and the fact that she didn't want to attract unwanted attention. "Are you okay? Do you want sweets to distract from the pain?" More important matters to attend to at the moment than sweets called her, however, and Ophelia focused her attention towards him again. "Who did this?" Who could hurt the sweetest and cutest boy in the world? She would kill them. The little blonde would find a way to use her small height to her advantage and hurt them incredibly. Okay? Okay. Nobody messed with him! Nobody!

On the train

It was no surprise that Ophelia had found her way to the train. She sat down next to him and didn't even say hello. Which, was to no surprise again. They had spent the whole summer with each other and had never said good bye. So there was no need for a hello.

As Ophelia's number one adviser, it was up to him to tell her if her plans were too much, or if she should take another path. "I will be on the hunt as soon as we get into the castle. Although, this is the time of the year when people are buying trains, so all of the good ones will be gone. We need to wait until the winter when the snow tracks are covered. No one wants a train in the winter." Did he also forget to mention that he would provide his queen with whatever she wanted? Yes, he knew she was kidding, but it was a lot of fun to mess around. There was so much material here that they could really go on with this for years.

He looked over at Ophie's shirt, and immediately knew that was a mistake. She definitely saw his bruising eye. But he was going to try to avoid it as much as possible. And the best way to start that was going to compliment this girl on her shirt. "Why do you hate it? I've seen you wear it before, it looks good on you. Hey, if you keep pouting like that, a jumping chocolate frog is going to land on it." Maybe that was a good thing, chocolate was good. And maybe it would calm the mini freak out that Ophelia was having.

Okay so there were two options. Lie, or tell the truth. It was a dilemma that Austin had always came to, when talking to Ophelia. It wasn't that he wanted to lie to her, it was just that he didn't like telling her horrible things. The sad thing was, was that Ophelia could always catch his lies, so there wasn't a point. Nothing got past her. The fourth year sighed and scratched his chin. He wanted to grow a beard, mainly because Ophelia had told him not to. But that hadn't gone as smoothly as he wanted. It took weeks for any sort of stubble and to this day it was still stubble. He probably wouldn't have a full beard for months.

Back to the topic at hand... "I've got candied fairy lights in my bag, thanks." That was the candy situated. Candied fairy lights were his favorite, so he bought them on his way to the station. He was saving them for when things got really bad on this train ride. "Honestly Ophie, I'm fine." And there the lie was. His eye throbbed, and hurt even more when it was touched. But he wasn't going to let her know that. She was already worried about him in general. There's no need to throw fuel in the fire. "Honestly, I'm fine. I wanted to practice my potion making one more time before the term, and I put in too much ginger snap... well... Snap!" Yea, that wasn't a fun adventure. But now he knew to use as little ginger snap as possible. Or to be careful when putting too much. Maybe there was a way to control that... hmmm...

Last edited by keepmeclose22; 05-02-2015 at 06:56 PM.
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