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Gwen didn't want to be doing this.
She didn't want to be going to Hogwarts...the place where her brother died last year. That's right...this was Gwendilyne Bastion. Gregoire Bastion's sister...you know...the one who's stupidity got the best of him. The one who decided to aggravate an already aggravated Acromantula. Not to mention this was a mommy Acromantula...meaning she sent her hundreds of children to attack her sibling.
Just the thought of it disgusted her. She tried to argue with her parents to go back to Beauxbatons...where...you know she'd be sure to live...but nope. They insisted that she would attend Hogwarts...which was rather odd. Uggggghhhhh...well it was no use arguing in public. Not with her parents at least. If this were Gwen's aunt or uncle or cousin on the other hand, then there might have been a chance for her to win in an argument.
Another thing adding to the lose factor was her older siblings were here. Angelique and Leandre. Angelique graduated two years before Gregoire started to attend Beauxbatons, and Leandre graduated Beauxbatons three years ago. They were lucky. Those were the only two Bastion kids that didn't have to attend Hogwarts.
This was going to be a dreadful year for Gwen.
Angelique was feeling...bittersweet of seeing her younger sister off to Hogwarts. After all, her other younger brother...yeah...no need to finish that thought. Shaking her head, Angelique looked over to her sister, Gwen and said "Gwen, here's what your going to do. Look at the wall. And then run-" French accent light and airy. Since she's been here in England about two or three years now, the accent was starting to diminish due to being around people with different accents. The accent was still noticeable, but not like when they first moved. When the Bastion's first moved here, it was extremely obvious they were from France.
"-Like this." With that being said, the eldest Bastion daughter ran towards the wall, and then she was gone! Poof! Ran straight through the wall!
"Now don't be nervous deary." Said Lucile Bastion. It was obvious her daughter was nervous. Well, in her eyes she was. Turning to her husband she told him something in French, then with a nod the husband and her oldest son left.
Turning she noticed a younger boy standing in front of the wall. He too, seemed nervous to run inside. Looking down at Gwen she whispered "There! You can make friends with that boy over there!" Gaze glancing toward him. "Excusez moi! You-" A hand waved at the boy. "You seem nervous. Is this your first year at Hogwarts? It's my daughters first year here too. She'll be a third year though."
She gave Gwen a little shove towards his direction.
Sher noticed a family walk up. It appeared as if the girl's older sibling had just run through the wall. Surely it was a traditional practical joke or something. An older student magicks themself through the wall and watches as the first year tries and hurts themselves, not knowing how to get through.
"Oh, hi," Asher said nervously. "How did she do that? Did she use a spell? It seems like it would quite painful to run into a wall. There has to be an actual platform for 9 3/4 around here somewhere."
Asher's cat mewed impatiently in her carriage. She was desperate to be let out, but it would be ridicoulously suspicious to have a fat cat running around a train station.
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After saying his goodbyes to his family,
Dylan made pushed his trolley towards the wall, noticing a young boy staring at it in confusion. Assuming he was a first year, Dylan made his way over to him to help.
"Hey," He greeted with a smile.
"You new to Hogwarts?" He asked, looking at the wall then back at the boy.
"I am," Asher said. "A first year."
Asher glanced back at the wall. Yup, seemed pretty solid. There was no way he was going through that. Maybe he'd walk outside and see if his parents were still in the parking lot. He could go home, return his textbooks and go to a muggle school. It would have been far less complicated than this whole Hogwarts business.
"So is this some sort of practical joke? Some sort of initiation to embarrass first years before they can find the real 9 3/4 platform?"