~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ Had it been any of the former department heads saying those words, Sabel might have continued on with it. Asked for something outrageous, or something not so outrageous. But this was Rainey, and he had a minuscule repoire with the man at best. Best not to play games with a snake whose strips and colors weren't visible. So the man simply got an amused smirk in response.
A smirk which wavered slightly. Of course Rainey knew, it was blatantly apparent in the article. That he had a plan of action, and a to-do list was slightly reassuring, but Sabel couldn't help to wonder what else was on that list. The words of the article tickled through the back of his mind, whispering suspicions. He tried to ignore them as best as his caution would allow. It wasn't like the Department Heads of the MLE could be transparent. Evander certainly hadn't been.
But it was the grin, and the words that followed that dislodged some of his new-found comfort with the man. And he found himself chuckling, however briefly. "Now, there's certainly a way to make me look like your right hand man."
Tilting his head, Sabel considered Rainey for a moment before shrugging it off. "Meaning no disrespect, but I'm not here looking for ways to be useful to you, Rainey. I didn't say this to instigate a man-hunt." Truth be told, that suggestion made him uneasy. He wasn't looking to get anyone in trouble, just set matters straight. As harmful as the article was, he doubted there had been any greater malicious intent besides a lack of caution "I only brought it up as a concern, because I think it would be more beneficial to talk to the Department as a whole and set a few things straight, than to single anyone out."
After all, this wasn't the only instance of lack of care and discretion with the MLE's reputation.
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________  _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |