I laughed until I got a coughing fit xD *blames Saki & Henric* ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
The eye rolling just made Adi grin some more. Maybe he should tone it down with the teasing. Poor Henric must have suffered enough embarrassment. But the peeking for the lion did not go unnoticed. "Caught you looking, Henric,'' he said. The next thing he was doing was raising his sunglasses to squint at the spot beside his fellow Puff. "You were sadly mistaken, mud dude. There is a lion in the den, I mean Scotland.'' Adi dropped his sunglasses back in place and pointed to Benny. "He's a Gryffindor. Mud dude, meet my bestie, bestie meet Mud dude.'' There! A nice quick intro. "Ah. I got you. I watch documentaries on cricket and rock musicians,'' the Puffer said helpfully. "Sounds like you have a passion for castles.'' If that was the case then Henric would have enjoyed the cartorapher meetings last term.
Adi leaned a hand on Benny's shoulder, clutching at his bestie as he started laughing uncontrollably. Oh, man! This was sooooo funny! "Try telling that to the others. And Leah.'' Yes, Henric. We see you sneaking a glance at in her direction. Adi managed to sober up as Mr Kitridge started giving them instructions.
Oh, goody! They were going to get started on the best part of this trip apparently. "Come on! Let's get this show on the road!'' Also, he had heard the Librarian say something about chocolate? Could he have a piece tooooo even though he hadn't been feeling sick? And as for his wand... he had it with him. Adi waved it at Henric. "If you want to have that mess cleaned up before Leah and the others notice...'' Hehe. "I'll be your buddy, Henric, if you're feeling under the weather from that dive in the mud.'' So much for toning the teasing down.
Anywaaayyy, Adi deposited his belongings next to the Claw Head of House. Could they get started now?!