Thread: The Corner Room
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Old 04-19-2015, 07:21 AM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Default The Corner Room

Beside the Restricted section a new room magically appeared a few years ago. Mr Kitridge stumbled over it when he was following a trail of rat and bat droppings. The empty room was then furnished with bookshelves, a few comfy sofas, reading lamps, side tables and a few plants. On the shelves you can find books, pamphlets and magazines about any and all magical careers/professions known to exist in the magical world today. Each year the pamphlets, books and magazines get stocked with new and updated information. New for term 40 is that Mr Kitridge has also added a collection of writing desks complete with all neccessary writing material and folders to inspire creative writing.

Come in, grab a magazine or a book and dream about what you want to work with when you graduate from Hogwarts or maybe even start on that short story you always wanted to write.

As always any questions or concerns should be run by Mr Kitridge.