08-13-2014, 02:09 PM
Gobstones Viewing Area The Gobstones Viewing Area That's right folks, come on in a Gobstones match between two of your favorite Hogwarts houses is taking place and you don't want to miss it or the prime seats up front! The room that plays host to the Gobstones matches has a few rows of raised seats along each of the long side walls, leaving plenty of room in the middle for the players to shoot for the Jack Stone.
Find a place to cheer on your house or whichever house you want to win because these players may not be brawny Quidditch jocks (or they might just be) but they still deserve the support!
OCC Note: hpluvr037, the rest of staff and I (Nordic Witch) are going to do our best to keep an eye in this thread as Matches progress, although it is no longer a moderated thread. Remember all SS School RPG and site rules apply here. Thank you very much for watching! |