Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Henry's smile didn't even falter one bit as the one girl (Ruby) in the group seemed a little scared. He was too excited and he knew she would soon be having fun. "Don't worry.. it's gonna be fun and no one will get hurt. My sister says they won't even have real bludgers here, just pretend ones." Oh, oops.. he wasn't supposed to mention her, but it kinda did come up. And, see! That boy (Benton) knew it was going to be fun too! "I can't wait till they teach us how to be real live chasers!" Because he was going to be an awesome one! Were they going to have chasers here? He looked around and noticed a lady (Selina) with a bat. She must be a beater though, but she still got a cheerful wave from Henry. Hitting things was cool too!
A really loud voice soon caught his attention and he turned that way. An.. accident? Henry first looked at the boy (Corbin) in question then at the girl (Saffron) shouting about him. That wasn't nice at all, especially with a bunch of kids laughing at him now. "You aren't s'posed to say that," he said, wrinkling his nose at her. "Even if it was true." And he didn't smell anything, so he didn't think it was. An equally loud voice made him look again, but he didn't wrinkle his nose this time. It was pretty cool for that kid (Vincent) to come to the other boy's defense and Henry smiled a little, deciding these two boys were now his friends.
He turned when someone (Cornelius) bumped into him, but since the boy said sorry, he wasn;t even mad. "It's ok!" he called towards him, his excited smile back in place. It was almost time to start, he just knew it! He saw a couple more adults (Cam and Enzo) coming over and he grinned at them both, giving them big waves. Though his smile faltered just slightly. "I'm not a little kid," he mumbled. He was ten not two. But that was soon forgotten when he said what team. That was his second favorite 'cause Giles! And he was pretty sure he had gotten Enzo's autograph when Giles took him to visit their pitch.
Oh, and laps? He could totally do that! "I have my own broom, Mr. Cam!" Did he see? Henry held it up for him before swinging his leg over and mounting it. That one kid (Benton) was up in the air already and Henry kicked off, soon catching up to him.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |