Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul If the new friend girl had an accent, then Eureka wouldn't be able to realize it. The twelve-year-old was not savvy about languages and dialects, she had a knack to miss on those little things with people. "Ilia?" She repeated it to see how it rolled off her tongue. She thought it was a pretty name! "I'm Eureka Botros-Russ." No problem in foolishly giving out her full name to strangers when they looked young and friendly. Maybe Hassan, her older cousin who was in charge of them today, wouldn't like her giving out her full name but he wasn't here to hear. And this Ilia girl did look friendly and nice.
"Are you shopping, too?" Eureka looked around the girl to see if she put shopping bags on the other side of the bench. The girl repeated Ilia's name and the reeled off her entire name. Or rather.....she hoped it was her full name. It was enough of a mouth full that she would pity the girl if there was more to it. Her first name or what she assumed to be her first name in that muddle was intriguing to her. It all sounded foreign and she began to become curious about where the girl was from. Looking her over again, she considered that the girl might be slightly younger than her, being fourteen. She looked maybe a year or two younger perhaps? "Pleasure to meet you, Eureka." In her mind she played around with saying her name and the context in which in might be humorous.
Her bags were tucked to the side of her , neatly placed to ensure their contents were well kempt. "I am, for school supplies. What are you shopping for?" Or rather, not shopping for.....since she was sitting here now. |