Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA The girl on the bench replied favorably and shifted some bags, which was a relief so she smiled briefly and sat. It was dumb to wear heels here, very dumb. This girl had an accent ,but Ilia couldn't place it. It wasn't British like everyone else's around here. Then again, she wasn't from around here either though , so maybe she was wrong. She had little to no accent when she spoke English, even though it wasn't her first language.
The girl was here with people apparently but, they had left her? That was rude.... She came alone , so she did not have the same problem, if she would in the first place. "You may call me Ilia." She didn't like reeling off her full name to people she had just met and preferred to be called by her middle name unless it was a teacher or something. "What is yours?" If the new friend girl had an accent, then Eureka wouldn't be able to realize it. The twelve-year-old was not savvy about languages and dialects, she had a knack to miss on those little things with people. "Ilia?" She repeated it to see how it rolled off her tongue. She thought it was a pretty name! "I'm Eureka Botros-Russ." No problem in foolishly giving out her full name to strangers when they looked young and friendly. Maybe Hassan, her older cousin who was in charge of them today, wouldn't like her giving out her full name but he wasn't here to hear. And this Ilia girl did look friendly and nice.
"Are you shopping, too?" Eureka looked around the girl to see if she put shopping bags on the other side of the bench. |