Thread: Park Bench
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Old 04-15-2015, 10:58 PM   #7 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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He took his potion today. And everyday since he'd been home. The mother had made certain. It took a clever charm, but if she could do nothing else, Soheir was a clever witch with this sort of thing. It was why she'd been made a trusted ally for a wizard who'd trusted no one. Zohar Smith had gotten lucky in choosing his getaway driver.

It didn't make Cutty no nevermind that his mum had charmed his bottle of Whimaway. He could always dump a certain portion of it down the drain. Any drain. Or spellbind the dropper himself. Then of course, there were always bezoars. Such handy little things. He'd have to stop by the potions shop later and pick some up. He didn't fully trust his mum's friend. For that is how he mentally logged Professor Culloden. Professor 'Me moohm's friend'. Not in the hob-knobbing sort of way, either. More like, he wanted distance from him for lack of trust. Which was the opposite of his cohort and fellow hell-raiser, Bart Maroon. And Cutty thought Bart needed a strong male figure in his life. Which is why he was now considering volunteering for the post. Propriety be damned.

"What do you need to buy?" Soheir turned to her boy, already bigger than her. Wasn't he just a little thing...No, no...La'La! She was not going to get emotional right there. He'd read it as weakness, pretend to comfort her and then spend all of their money on whatever he wanted, essentially. Which could be his school supplies but might also be any number of other things.

"An owl, books, new robes..." Smile. Maybe she'd bite and give in.

"Noooo new robes. We're having your uncle's altered." She stopped him before he tried to throw in other things he 'needed'.

"An owl, books, no new robes, and potions supplies." He finished, his dutiful son face on. "Yer friend's a bit ropey, by the way."

"You need to try and get on better with Cosgrach, Cutty. You have a lot to learn from him, remember. And you also need to give me money so I don't go into Primpernelle's and the Quidditch place empty handed." Would he hear a word she said. Maybe not now, maybe in the future. Persistence was key according to both, her instinct and his Healer.

Cuthbert smiled his best princely and serene smile at his mama as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small moke sack of knuts, sickles and galleons. More sickles than galleons, really. The boy departed from his mother after agreeing to meet up again in 3 hours time. He headed off in the direction of the Eyelops first.
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