Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator
Henric gathered among his other third-soon to be fourth year mates. As usual, he chatted for awhile and waited patiently for the carriage ride to the castle. That would mean he would see the threstrals again pulling up those carriages. He wondered if they could fly, he never seen one of them did before. Besides that, he was concerned for what to expect in this field trip. He had never been to a portkey before as well. He thought it must be the only way for young underage wizards or witches like him to travel. His adoptive muggle parents were supportive of him going and so they made plans of their own to go back to their home country in Netherlands throughout the duration of his field trip. He would see them only after the field trip ends. He was definitely excited for this trip, he loved to discover new places and this would be his chance to experience it.
Last edited by Symphora; 04-14-2015 at 03:01 PM.