Thread: Middle Cars
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Old 04-13-2015, 06:40 PM   #22 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia "Mia" Adair
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Leigh Upstead
Fifth Year
be curious, not judgmental

Text Cut: DA CREW
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
SNORT. Poor Zander, being surrounded by girls. And yep, there was another one. "Heya, Leah!" Looked like there was going to be a party in the middle cars. They only needed a Slytherin then all four Houses would be represented, with her both being a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff.

Lux happily walked inside the compartment and took a seat by the window. She could definitely settle in here for a while. Everyone was so nice. Zander asked if they were excited for the holiday, and should be pretty obvious that she was!! "Yes! I have been waiting for this forever. This term dragged on for aaaaaaages." Looked like the other two would as well.


"So who is going on the trip? I'm not." Maybe she was the only one not going, but eeeeh she didn't care.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
SPOILER!!: alllls of youuu

She got a CRUP in her lap which was enough to satiate the Ravenclaw for now at least. Entertaining herself with rubbing its nose against hers, she then let it curl on her lap as she absently scratched its tummy and ears. If she had not been aware of Sophie's relationship with Tobes though, then she might have envied her seat, but it was all play.

"Yes and no. I mean, I don't know about Leah here ..." cause that was the girl's name, that Lux had used, yah? "... but well, finishing this year means this is our last free Summer before we have to buckle down for OWLs." Yes she'd seen firsthand the stress of them from Zander and Sophie. "I'm counting on you three to give us pointers." Yes, even Ravenclaws wanted pointers; these exams were supposed to be EXHAUSTING and they had a BIG IMPACT on their future.

Oh GOOD, she wasn't the only one not going on the field trip! Tia beamed at Lux; "I'm not going on the trip either. I was kinda bummed at first that my mum wouldn't give me permission cause she wanted more time with me or something, since well me being away at Hogwarts is like the longest I've ever been away... but it's good there are others not going. We'll have to keep in touch though ... all of you." And as soon as she spent her time in Italy, she'd be back in London as soon as possible.
Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
Making her way down the train corridor Puck just grinned when she spotted Zander in a compartment with a bunch of girls…seriously he had had the same idea as her. Avoid the prefects compartment…it was boring. Sure, she’d stop in later maybe just to say hey…hi…yes I just wanted to be with friends and that was where she was going! Seriously, she wanted to be there with Lux, but the compartment would be so crowded…like she’d only fit on the luggage rack. And that didn’t sound comfortable at all.

Looking into a compartment not far off she just chuckled. Seriously if the two compartments could be combined it’d have been perfect…almost all of her friends together in one place! She grinned and tapped on the doorframe. “Hey, mind if I join you guys?” she asked kindly.

Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post

Hehe, Zander was the boy in this group. He might have looked slightly awkward, but Leah did not notice anything. She grinned at all of them when they gave friendly greetings. Hanging out with people from many many houses was fun! As the Fifth Years began walking into the compartment, she saw the person already in it. Aaahhh she knew this girl! She was also a Fouth Year like her - Leah always remembered people in her year. She took a seat across from where Zander and Sophie were squashed sitting together and right next to the girl. She smiled as Tia introduced herself. "Hi Tia, I'm Leah. Yep, I am a rising Fifth Year too."

Then the usual topic about the holidays came along. Leah sat listening to Lux talk. She smiled, about to agree to her opinion, when Tia spoke about her summer too. OWLs. She had almost forgotten about that. "UGH, I'm anxious about OWLs too," she nodded, YES advices were welcome. "I am planning to use my holidays wisely this summer." By wisely she meant spending most of the time playing and hanging out with friends. NOT studying. Studying was school stuff.

Oooh, the Summer Field Trip! That was one of the things the girl was looking forward to. She was surprised that both Lux and Tia were not participating though, after the Headmistress' speech, she thought most students would sign up for it. Well, everybody had different ways of spending their holidays. "I'm going! My parents also wanted to spend more quality time with me, but they like me making my own choices," she said. "Yeah Tia, let's keep in contact over the holidays, I feel like we can be good friends." Leah's Hufflepuff instincts coming up here mmm.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
SPOILER!!: The girls

And just as he had sat down, a Sophie Brown was approaching. Oh. So she was going to sit next to— Ooph. Ha ha ha ha. Sophie Brown were you trying to kill the boy? Probably, yes. If only it were possible to control the amount of red that his face was getting at right about now. Soooophie. Of course she did this kind of thing all the time, but not when there were tons of other people around??? O_____O Girls for that matter. Tons of other girls around. Sophie Brown. What were you doing?

But her explanation made sense. So he turned his look of ???? into one of understanding. Of course they’d want to conserve space if— Wait what? And he was back to that ???? look again. Because uh, couldn’t they just tell other people that their compartment was full? Plus they still had a bit of room left and…

How come everyone else seemed to move on so quickly? Sigh.

”Pointers?” he was looking over Sophie now so that he could address Tia properly, thank you very much. ”Uh, yeah. I can try to help. I’ve got loads of great notes for Herbology,” the others were questionable…. But herbology was his best. And Creatures too. Those were GREAT classes. Zander very much approved.

But she probably had her own notes anyways. Ravenclaws always seemed on top of that stuff. Like that Banner guy, Merlin. He had it together. You know, whatever it was, anyways. As for the field trip though, he frowned when both Lux and Tia said they couldn’t go…. Was anyone even going? Damien said he’d have to think about it. Now these two. Had Zander signed up without any of his friends??? SURELY SOPHIE WAS GOING.

… Right?

Oh, well at least Leah was going. Even though he knew this girl less than he knew the others in the compartment. ”I’m going too, but only ‘cause I think I’ve got to…. You know, sort of need to prove my worth again after everything this term.” Professor Flamsteed would be there as a chaperone. And hopefully Thuebridge too. Had to show them that he wasn’t a complete screwup. And Professor Quigley too, but uh was Catman even going? And now to Sophie Brown. PLEASE say you’re going, Soph.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

Ha. Hahaha. HahahAHAHAHA. The TOBY TRAIN was ON the HOGWARTS TRAIN. Man. MAN. That was FUNNY, riGHT? Even as Toby THOUGHT of it, charging down the train at a hundred miles an hour, barreling past and through people like he didn't even register they were there. It was a miracle he'd made it onto the train at all today. PACKING hadn't even started until waaaaaay after the sun had risen that morning, after all, and it had been a rushed job... though everything was a rushed job for this kid at the moment.


Like the way he careered down the train corridor. His usual exuberance EXACERBATED by the fact that he now realised THEY WERE GOING HOOOOOOOOOOOOOME. AT LAST. Words could not describe the relief Toby felt.

SO... as he was charging down the train, Toby CAUGHT SIGHT of a few familiar faces. Or, no... actually it was more like FAMILIAR BLURS OF HAIR. He stopped DEAD IN HIS TRACKS and immediately backtracked.

"FRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENDS!" Toby cried out gleefully, as he beamed into a compartment full of people, including SOPH and ZAN and LUX and a couple people he didn't know well enough to have a grasp of their names. PUCK THE PREFECT was standing there with the door open, so he DUCKED UNDER HER ARM and darted into the compartment.

And sat himself RIGHT THERE on Soph, who in turn was sat on Zan. Good job Toby was still pretty small, probably not so lucky that the concept of 'careful' was currently lost on him.

Now THIS was a chair to be proud of. Toby BEAMED at Soph and Zan and RUFFLED BOTH THEIR HAIR and then grinned at everyone else present. HI FRIENDS HI. He seemed quite unabashed at having just charged right on in. In fact...

"SURE, Puckington. Come ON IN."

Everyone else was excited for the summer, which was to be expected, but people weren't going on the field trip? Whyyyy would they pass up such an opportunity? Tia's reasons made sense, and Leah - what a cutiepie, wanting to keep contact with a girl she'd just met! Sophie could give pointers if Tia really wanted her to, but until she got her results, she didn't want to try to guide anybody in anything. Just to be safe, y'know?

It was good that Zander was going. Sophie didn't know if she was going to go or not, even though she had signed up. There were a lot of factors that were going to come into play for the whole summer, so... err. "I'm signed up to go." That was a safe response. Not a definite yes that she was going, but no one would probably pick up on that, eh?


Sophie's previously somber thoughts turned delighted when her Hufflepuff came bounding into the compartment and chose to sit RIGHT ON HER LAP. HEHEHEHE. "Tooobes," she giggled, wrapping her arms around his middle and hugging his back closer to her. She didn't even feel a little bad for Zander under her - THEY WERE A TRIOOOOOO. GIGGLING at the hair-ruffling, Sophie squeeezed his torso and chimed, "The trio's all togetherrrrr." Then she wiggled her bum against Zander to make sure he didn't feel like a third wheel. TRIO.
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