Thread: Middle Cars
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Old 04-13-2015, 12:11 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Leah Abbott
Fifth Year
please don't let me be miunderstood

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
The shut eye thing? That lasted for maybe thirty seconds before she heard the door slide open to reveal the smiling face of the Gryffindor Prefect (were his cheeks flushed or was it the lighting?) ........ Tia GRINNED back at the fifth year. "Just Azalea," she teased holding her hands outstretched for the cruppy. Yes, she wanted to hold it.

And there was a Miss Brown in the shadows. Which meant she should scoot over toward the window so company wouldn't have to walk past her. "Hiiii Sophie! Of course. Plenty of --"

... and another joining them. Now all they needed was a Slytherin and they reached the quota from each house. "Always room for your smiling face, Lux!"

And why did the three look beat? Probably something to do with those exams they had not too long ago; maybe she should convince them for pointers ... But not before another girl made an appearance; Zander wasn't going to get all bashful and CUTE was he? This girl though, Tia hadn't met yet but she was nearly positive she remembered seeing her in some of her fourth year level classes. "Of course. I'm Tia by the way ..." she beamed at her and would have stuck her hand out for a handshake but ... CRUPPY hehe. "You're also a fourth year, right?"
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zander didn’t even have to turn to figure out who the “And ME” was. Obviously Sophie Brown. He could recognize her voice from a mile away. And BEFORE Tia could even respond ANOTHER person came up. Zander was around 89% sure that he could recognize this voice too, but he peeked around just to— Lux. It was Lux. So Tia, cruppy, Sophie, Lux. Merlin. So. Many. Girls. Ahem. But he did give a grin to all of them as a ‘hello’. Yeah. Polite.

Oh wait. Another one. Another GIRL there were so many of them. Was he allowed to phone a friend? Drag Simon in here too?? Because when it was just Zander…. He was outnumbered, y’know? WAY outnumbered. Four million to one. Not that he minded girls or anything… But knowing Sophie Brown… He wouldn’t get off easily and uh… Oh? They were invited in? Well… His cruppy was invited in, but the smile on the Ravenclaws face said he was too. Unless he was misinterpreting things which in that case— Wait no.

He was outnumbered. He had a RIGHT to take a seat…. Yeah?


The Prefect HAPPILY handed over his cruppy, having held her all the way down to the train and all, then took a seat right ACROSS from TiaMarie. Looking over at Sophie to see where she’d sit. Housemate or Zander? HM? Actually, he didn’t really mind wherever any of them sat. As long as someone sat on his side too, otherwise he’d REALLY feel outnumbered.

”So uh, everyone excited for the holiday?”

… Was it too late to phone a friend?
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
Sophie rested her cheek against Zander and let out a melodic, "Yayyy!" when Tia let them come inside. And then LUX! And then LEAHHHHHH! "Welcome to the party, Lux 'n Leah," she greeted them dramatically but cordially, nudging Zander further inside, then grinned when he sat across from Tia. Good. Goooood.

Since there was no crup in his lap, Sophie hopped right over and sat on the prefect's lap. "Since we're the place to be and all, I figure more people'll wanna join us, so we'll save space this way." She patted Zander's head while grinning at his blushing cheeks, then made herself comfortable. "Thanks, Zanderpander."

NBD. Just hangin' out.

Soph smiled at the girls introducing themselves to each other, then hummed at Zander's words. Excited wasn't the word she would use, and since there were three other people present, she would let them go ahead and answer. It was much better for her to not dwell on all the things that the summer months entailed for herself.
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
SNORT. Poor Zander, being surrounded by girls. And yep, there was another one. "Heya, Leah!" Looked like there was going to be a party in the middle cars. They only needed a Slytherin then all four Houses would be represented, with her both being a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff.

Lux happily walked inside the compartment and took a seat by the window. She could definitely settle in here for a while. Everyone was so nice. Zander asked if they were excited for the holiday, and should be pretty obvious that she was!! "Yes! I have been waiting for this forever. This term dragged on for aaaaaaages." Looked like the other two would as well.


"So who is going on the trip? I'm not." Maybe she was the only one not going, but eeeeh she didn't care.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
She got a CRUP in her lap which was enough to satiate the Ravenclaw for now at least. Entertaining herself with rubbing its nose against hers, she then let it curl on her lap as she absently scratched its tummy and ears. If she had not been aware of Sophie's relationship with Tobes though, then she might have envied her seat, but it was all play.

"Yes and no. I mean, I don't know about Leah here ..." cause that was the girl's name, that Lux had used, yah? "... but well, finishing this year means this is our last free Summer before we have to buckle down for OWLs." Yes she'd seen firsthand the stress of them from Zander and Sophie. "I'm counting on you three to give us pointers." Yes, even Ravenclaws wanted pointers; these exams were supposed to be EXHAUSTING and they had a BIG IMPACT on their future.

Oh GOOD, she wasn't the only one not going on the field trip! Tia beamed at Lux; "I'm not going on the trip either. I was kinda bummed at first that my mum wouldn't give me permission cause she wanted more time with me or something, since well me being away at Hogwarts is like the longest I've ever been away... but it's good there are others not going. We'll have to keep in touch though ... all of you." And as soon as she spent her time in Italy, she'd be back in London as soon as possible.

Hehe, Zander was the boy in this group. He might have looked slightly awkward, but Leah did not notice anything. She grinned at all of them when they gave friendly greetings. Hanging out with people from many many houses was fun! As the Fifth Years began walking into the compartment, she saw the person already in it. Aaahhh she knew this girl! She was also a Fouth Year like her - Leah always remembered people in her year. She took a seat across from where Zander and Sophie were squashed sitting together and right next to the girl. She smiled as Tia introduced herself. "Hi Tia, I'm Leah. Yep, I am a rising Fifth Year too."

Then the usual topic about the holidays came along. Leah sat listening to Lux talk. She smiled, about to agree to her opinion, when Tia spoke about her summer too. OWLs. She had almost forgotten about that. "UGH, I'm anxious about OWLs too," she nodded, YES advices were welcome. "I am planning to use my holidays wisely this summer." By wisely she meant spending most of the time playing and hanging out with friends. NOT studying. Studying was school stuff.

Oooh, the Summer Field Trip! That was one of the things the girl was looking forward to. She was surprised that both Lux and Tia were not participating though, after the Headmistress' speech, she thought most students would sign up for it. Well, everybody had different ways of spending their holidays. "I'm going! My parents also wanted to spend more quality time with me, but they like me making my own choices," she said. "Yeah Tia, let's keep in contact over the holidays, I feel like we can be good friends." Leah's Hufflepuff instincts coming up here mmm.
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