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Carrying along his (much healthier) lunch, Dale followed Alexa along to this mysterious hole in the wall. It would be a lie to say he'd never noticed it before, but it had always just been one of those things, the background 'noise'. Dale had been content to leave it unexplored, seeing as he tended to bring his lunch back up to Level Two the majority of the time. It didn't surprise him that Alexa had done some further snooping; he supposed any and all of the YATIs, Aurors and Hit Wizards would have done the same.
"Can't say I have," he replied when they were finally through and in an area filled with chair upon mismatched chair. "It's... um. Very... festive?" Nice Christmas lights.
Dale took a seat on the sofa, actually on the butt-cushion part, and stretched out his legs with his lunch on his lap. He'd not failed to notice the differences in their lunches; Dale wouldn't usually have considered his choice of mozzarella sticks, ham and cheese sandwich, and chocolate cookies to be 'healthy', but it certainly contrasted with Lex's lunch quite well.
"This place is full of surprises," he commented, taking a sip of his own coffee to check the temperature. "I daresay you've already discovered most of them? On your patrols, I mean?"
"Festive is right." Lex didn't even wanna KNOW who was in charge of decorating or what they were thinking when they started. Didn't matter that much. There were seats and lights and the odd coffee machine here and there.
"I keep thinking I need to add to this place but I dunno what I'd haul in here yet." She said reflectively as she chewed the head off a chocolate frog.
"Don't reckon they're in need of any more chairs."
Her attention turned back to him at the inquiry about her patrols and the places she happened to run into. The smallest glance was given to his lunch and the way he stretched to occupy the entire couch.
"Not most....not yet anyway. We do patrols by roster and I haven't been given specific levels yet--got down into Mysteries once, they have a death chamber, souls trying to suck you in and all that." Wait.......
"I dunno if I'm meant to tell you that...but you're MLE and this'll go into our records anyway."
There were a couple good reasons why Lex couldn't be an Unspeakable...this was one of them.
"Got to sit in on a court hearing last week, but that was mostly me forgetting I had patrols to do." Bright side? It was an interesting trial.