12-16-2014, 09:34 PM
of Professor Maddox Quigley Once you've been invited inside the Professor's Office, feel feel to take a seat either at the chair opposite his desk or any of the two long couches fixed about the room. Either's fine as he isn't usually bothered by most things. Whatever the case, he's like to make himself comfortable so you might as well do the same.
To the far corner of the room, you'll notice a large, fluffy cushion on the floor by a little cabinet that is always closed. You'll do best to leave that where it is. The scratching post, as it so happens, is also none of your concern.
The bookshelves all around the room are filled with various subjects ranging from Charms to Dragon taming, from curse breaking to cooking. It's not certain he's read them all but the Professor likes surrounding himself with as wide an array as possible, in the event he gets a chance to have a sit down but doesn't fancy a nap to while away his afternoon. You could burrow something from his 'modest' collection if he likes you enough but it's more likely he'll ask you if the Library suddenly ran out of books.
On his desk, you'll notice a picture of a woman with a wide smile and another more crowded subject consisting of five young children ranging from 2-6 years old with two sets of twins in the mix. It's best you not touch those; he'll probably know if you did.
Due to his sensitive sense of smell the Professor has also charmed the office, leaving it rather neutral if not with the faintest hint of lavender. OOC: Be sure you've posted out in the Seating Area before posting here ^^ |