Originally Posted by
Ringo Just then, Kace had joined the table. Smiling, Dylan gave his friend a wave. "Hey Kace, how's your head doing?" He asked. He had been wondering (and worrying a bit) about it since the two had played frisbee that one day not too long ago.
As Kace was sitting at the table, he noticed Dylan made his way over to him. Huh...he guessed he must have passed him. He shrugged and replied,
"It is feeling better. Emmy never suspected a thing." he winked. He didn't need for her to worry.
"You excited for the summer? I can't believe how fast the term went.." he said looking around and seeing all the students at their house table. "What are you doing this summer?" This question could pose summer plans you know.
Originally Posted by
Buggy-Boo Margo couldn't believe that her first year at Hogwarts was done! She had such wonderful adventures. Starting with falling into the Lake at the very beginning to meeting to the Giant Squid! She had made such wonderful friends in Kace and Adi and several others. Margo was a little sad to be leaving!
But this summer was going to be great! She was hoping that she would get to see all of her friends in Diagon Alley! And that she would meet every more new people! Looking around Margo was trying to see if she knew anyone around her.
As he was waiting for Dylan's answer, he noticed Margo was coming to the table. Man he hadn't seen in her in a while. He smiled and got up from his seat and went up to hug her from behind. He had to squish the first year I mean next term she is gonna be a second year. She won't be so little anymore.
"How is my favorite first year?" he asked still giving her a bear hug.