SPOILER!!: Henric :3 LOL
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Henric blinked,not realising he was still standing up when already Leah had sat down.He guessed he blamed it on his drilled-in manners,having learnt it from the waiter that worked in his parents restaurant back home.
Oh yeah...sorry,"he muttered and quickly took his seat. He wondered what was the reason she came to introduce herself to a mere third year like himself.
Umm..yeah..it was great," he replied, trying not to avert his gaze from her. It was getting difficult, he wasn't use to talking to a girl before.(

) He rarely did.Think...Henric..think...he should say something back.
H-how...is..yo-"he finally spoke but was cut short when the prefect came and introduce himself to him. He quickly put on his cool demeanor facade.
Hello! Yeah it was great, thanks for asking,"he answered,smiling slightly. He watched as the two of them conversed, thankful there was somebody to stop him from having a nervous breakdown.(

Yeah, congratulations on winning player of the match,really great game,"he chipped in as well.
Leah smiiiled at the boy as he sat back down awkwardly. She liked this one, really. She pretended to not notice his continued awkwardness as the conversation went on, but nodded at his reply.
"That's nice, I found my third year quite boring," she said too truthfully. There was nothing special, she did not turn into a fairytale character, everything was the same for her.
Was she the only one who noticed Henric's change in attitude when Adi came? He looked more relaxed than before. Maybe he was just nervous around girls. As she chatted with the Prefect, she realized that the boy was excluded.
"Do you play Gobstones?" Leah asked. They needed more people participating in the game. But it was amazing and fun, so who wouldn't want to play it?
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He had made it! Noel Wallace was officially done with his fourth year. And although in the last couple of weeks it had seem like he wouldn't, he still had. The feast was here, and a smile was plastered on the fifteen year old's face. He was SO ready to go back.
Pushing his untrimmed hair back through his fingers, Noel made his way to the puff table. Taking a seat next to Leah, he smiled at her before looking at everyone else and greeting them: "Hey Adi, Hey Mari. Good term?"
And just then a boy stood up to introduce himself to Leah. Noel eyed him before breaking into a grin, elbowing her lightly on the side he whispered to her: "Think he likes you," It was funny. The boy couldn't take his eyes off her at all.
And there was Noel! Hehe, he looked happier than he was the last time Leah saw him. She could not blame him, everybody at this moment was glad of the end of term, especially fourth years. Still, the girl was surprised when she felt him sit next to her. She returned the smile and unspoken greeting to him silently.
O_o Whaaat? Leah's face reddened at what he said. She frowned at the boy before glancing at Henric. It did make sense, his behavior matched with what people normally did around their crush. Noel probably knew those stuff better because he was a guy too. But Leah was not going to admit that she agreed.
"Think YOU do," she whispered back with a slight punch on the arm.
SPOILER!!: Hayleyy ^^
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D.A Forever
Even though they were definitely long overdue to sit amongst Noel's housemates, instead of her own, Hayley was grumpy about it. Not because she didn't like this table, she DID. Though she didn't know very many of them, she enjoyed Noel's Hufflepuff family. She had wanted to be one of them, not that long ago, apart of the house her parents had been in. It was the simple fact that a certain Ravenclaw girl would be sitting at their house table, comfortably and happily, and Hayley didn't think she deserved such a thing.
She would have MUCH rather have been sitting with Noel at her own house table, so said ridiculous heartbreaker Ravenclaw girl could feel the discomfort of Noel sitting with them TOO. Happily, apparently.
Grey-blue eyes blinked, seeing the smile - the corners of her own lips tugging upward, if only slightly. Quietly, the fourth year planted herself on his other side - the side opposite Leah. "We made it." Through another year at Hogwarts, alive and well.. for the most part.
It had been a rough year.
Another person took a seat at the table, and this time it wasn't a badger. Leah turned around to see her fellow fourth year Hayley. She was like best friends with Noel, yeah? The Hufflepuff waved at her as a greeting. A smile stretched across her face at what she said.
"How was it? Your term, I mean," she said. She had to admit that it was a rough year with quite a number of losses.
SPOILER!!: Dylan :DD
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Dylan entered the Great Hall and he made his way towards the Hufflepuff table, an eager look on his face. He was excited to stuff his face - er, I mean, eat some delicious Hogwarts food. The feasts were always so mouthwatering-ly heavenly. He could already taste the chicken... mmmm!
More and more awesome puffer friends were arriving at the feast. One of them was a guy Leah did not know well, but she KNEW they had talked at least once over her four years at Hogwarts.
"Hi, Dylan right?" Juuust to make sure. Didn't want to get people mixed up, nope.
"How are you doing?" she asked upon hearing his reply.
SPOILER!!: prefect Marigold *squishes*
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Marigold grinned up at the new arrival, a girl she had not forgotten but also had not talked to in ages. "Leah! Hey! What have you been up to?" she asked, playing her the edge of the table as she beamed at her. "I am SO excited for summer. I don't have much magical stuff planned, but I got a position, even though it is a volunteer position, at my local animal shelter. It's right near my house, which means I can walk there, plus I'm taking apparition lessons just in case, and I get to deal with all the baby animals, and I love naming things so I get to name all the babies!!" Oops, she was rambling, wasn't she? "Do you have summer plans?" Real smooth recovery there, McAlistor.
Hah, so Marigold had not forgotten her YAY!
"I finished packing literally just now," she said. So much to pack and too less time. She also had to decide what to leave out because technically there was still one more day of school left mhm. Leah listened to the sixth year's summer plans excitedly. It sounded fascinating and a great way to spend a two month long holiday.
"Are you planning to do something related to animals after you graduate?" she asked. She did not want Marigold to leave.. but it was bound to happen.
"Oh, I am going to the Summer field trip, then there is a Quidditch camp a few days after that. Also I'm planning to have a sleepover at my best friend Angel's place sometime," Leah said. She was looking to every single one of the activities. There was also the annual school supplies shopping to do. She would have SO much more to buy this year because of the upcoming OWLs. Ugh.
SPOILER!!: Lux <3
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Was it bad that Lux only felt excitement at this feast? She was so over Hogwarts and all she wanted right now was to go home. Soon she would be able to see her boyfriend and family again, and that prospect was AMAZING.
Practically bouncing, the redhead made her way over to the Hufflepuff table. Ooooh, there were already people there though at least she hadn't missed the food. What was the point of coming to a feast if you missed the food that went along so well with company?? Talking to friends was amazing, but she'd rather not do it on an empty stomach.
"Hello, guys!" she said as she sat down at the bench. Some of her friends were here and she knew that they would never ignore her.
Leah glanced around at the sound of a somewhat familiar voice. It was Lux the fifth year pretty girl. She was not very close with her, they did not talk much either, but Lux was always such an approachable person that the younger girl knew she would not mind her going over for a chat.
So that was what she did.
"Hi Lux," she said with a friendly smile.
"How was your term?"