Idiom: any turn of phrase particular to a group of people. Typically where the words together have a different meaning than they do individually. Idioms... we all use them in our every day conversation without thinking about it, and it can sometimes confuse those from other parts of the country (or world) when we use a turn of phrase they've never heard before. This is especially true when interacting with Muggles, who use strange idioms of their own, like 'the whole enchilada' and 'raining cats and dogs'.
Help us track the idioms that are unique to the Wizarding population in Great Britain by sharing some of your favorites. Don't forget to share the meaning, in case it isn't readily apparent.
Note: Use your creative genius to brainstorm idioms or turns of phrase that Wizards and Witches might use in their every day conversation. We'll keep a running 'dictionary' in the first post. Your characters in the RPs and in FanFiction are welcome to use anything found in this thread.