Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Ah yes marshmallows. “Thank you Mrs Recard” Vickers said as he reached out and took a handful, then proceeded to make some smores. It was then that a coworker he got acquainted with at the office plopped down next to him. “Hey Kaiden.” He greeted the boy before proceeding to heat up the smores.
They had another coworker join them and then their boss decided to get this rolling. Introductions..... oh boy. That means talking about themselves right? Something this former Ravenclaw wasn’t really into. But given that it looked like he was the most senior staffer in this group he might as well go ahead “Uhm... yeah hi. M-My name is Vincenzo Vanderbilt... uhh just call me Vickers. Its easier.” He mumbled at the end “Uhmm... I joined the Department of Magical Transportation a few years after I graduated from Hogwarts, taking care of records—Apparition documentations mostly. So yeah, been here a while...” he tried to smile awkwardly. That feels weird, no lets not do that. “Uhmm... and yeah I’m a thesis away from receiving my Wizarding Engineering degree.” He nodded good naturedly, the only thing that shows how excited he was for it.
And yeah... that’s all he could think of about when he speaks of himself. Anything more they ought to ask him directly. Ravenclaws and questions, you know how that goes. |