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Old 04-03-2015, 04:49 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Red Cap
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 85

Korpsit had only just gotten done in the back room and was preparing to meet a trader at the other end of the alley but it wouldn't happen. Humans, witches in his shop. The goblin paused taking them both in and mentally assessing the situation. The one had something broken in her hands which meant business and unfortunately not two more he could add to his trade.

Could have made a pretty galleon off the brunette; many pretty galleons. The blonde he had seen before, sharing a drink with a certain other patron making it it a little more iffy.

"What do you want?" The creature asked, not bothering with the niceties to be found up in Diagon Alley. He didn't have time to dawdle.
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