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Old 03-31-2015, 09:24 PM   #262 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun View Post
James looked down at the comic book in his hand to avoid looking at her. Much of it...yeah...right. "I'm sure you'll do well. I can help you if you want." Wasn't his strongest subject but he was better than her at it and knew it. He sighed and looked at her, "Why have you been avoiding me? I thought we were fine."

"Yeah...I suppose it is..." he said with a sigh and put his comic book back in his bag. "I'm not sure I want it to be over yet though. It's weird...knowing we won't be back here again as students at least."
"I...." She'd appreciate the help, but wondered if Vinnie wouldn't appreciate that all that much? "I'd like that honestly. I mean if I can't stun a dragon, how in Merlin's name am I going to get anywhere with the dragons?" she murmured the last bit. "W...we are. I just...I..." GUH how the heck were you supposed to explain that one? Good job Zoe, tell him you're avoiding him and then not explain it? "I don't feel right...." she finished lamely.

"I know" she said nodding making a face. "And I'll likely never be back. You day..."