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Old 03-31-2015, 08:44 PM   #256 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun View Post
James needed a break. He was tired of studying. His girlfriend was gone visiting Amelia or at least he thought she was. Oh well. Walking over to what he now dubbed as his tree he sat against it and looked out at the water. Term was almost over and he was nervous. What if he failed all of his NEWTs? Would they deny his admission to Athens?

Sighing he pulled out a comic book from his bag and started reading it.
She needed a break from all the studying, she knew what she was going into and knew which NEWT's were the most important for her. Her head was starting to ache and finally pulled herself out of the library and just headed down to the lake to get away from it all. There was the theory of studying too much wasn't there? She headed for the lake and looked around for an empty spot. It appeared she wasn't the only one needing a break. UGH, 2 more NEWT's to go and she was done.

TREE! It looked like no one was there from where she was standing and headed that way and moved to sit down and lean against it when she realized...James was there. "Err...hi."