Fourth Year
Molly and Arthur “Professor, I wonder if you could tell us about the Full Body-Binding Curse?” Molly asked during Defence against the Dark Arts.
Professor Gallows paused a moment and nodded, looking at the young Lion student. “Of course I can, Miss. Prewett. But you can’t tell me you don’t know about it?” the emphasis on you.
Molly swallowed. And shrugged. Of course she knew. This would teach her not to play truth or dare. It was a ridiculous muggle game Monty had wanted them to play.
A few hands raised, and she called on Arthur.
“It’s a curse, innit?” he said.
Gallow’s lips pursed. “Well that’s obvious Mr. Weasley. Anyone else?”
“It causes the body to bind, I think… I’m sure that’s what it does,” Frank said, his face going red from trying so hard not to laugh.
“And um… you know I think your body sort of freezes, dun’t it?” Monty added, a fake look of confusion on her face.
Gallows wasn’t stupid.
“Detention. You four. Don’t waste my time in class,” she snapped, turning back to the front of the class to continue talking about werewolves.