Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# 10. ENGORGIO
Fourth Year
Molly and Arthur The fourth year Gryffindors sat at the study tables in the common room, the last piece of Molly’s pumpkin and raisin cake in front of them.
“There’s not going to be much there for us all to share,” they had all agreed.
“But it’s so delicious, can’t I have the whole piece?” Arthur asked.
“What makes you think YOU deserve it?” Molly asked.
Arthur smiled, “Just… just for being me, really.”
Alice rolled her eyes. “Why don’t we enlarge it? Then we can have more cake!”
“Ahh good idea,” Frank said, pointing his wand at the cake, “Engorgio,” he said, performing the spell.
The cake doubled in size.
“It’s still not big enough,” Frank complained.
“Engorgio,” Nicholas said.
It doubled again.
“Again, Molls?” Arthur asked from across the table. “Engorgio,” he said. BANG!
Some of the others had enough sense to duck, but Molly and Arthur, sitting directly in front of the cake, were hit the worst. They were COVERED in pumpkin and raisin cake.
“Well come on, share with us,” Frank said, roaring with laughter.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |