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Old 03-28-2015, 05:21 AM   #18 (permalink)

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Seventh Year

Molly and Arthur

“Welcome back, seventh years. This year you are sitting your N.E.W.T.’s. Testing your previous six years, as well as this year. Today we look into Conjuration. Can someone name a conjurating spell?” Professor McGonagall asked the class.
“Incarcerous,” called one boy.
“Yes, Incarcerous. 10 points to Ravenclaw. Does anyone know the incantation and wand movement?”
“It’s in-CAR-ser-us, said whilst pointing wand,” the same boy answered.
McGonagall nodded, “Ten points. Yes. Incarcerous is a spell which conjures thick ropes to bind the target of the wand. When might this spell be useful?”
“When your boyfriend is tickling you,” Molly whispered as softly as the wind. Arthur let out a snicker.
“Master Weasley?” called MgConagall.
Arthur kicked Molly softly under the table, “Er… when someone is trying to attack you. A dark wizard.”
McGonagall nodded with a stern eye at the two young red-heads.
“Indeed. The spell can be used on any ONE or THING as defence. But also for the MLE’s who use it to capture prisoners or criminals. Anything else?”
Molly raised her hand, “Professor, could it be used harmlessly? For instance a mother using it on a child to prevent them from running onto the road or something?”

always on the move
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