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Ronnie giggled and stuck her tongue out once more (she felt like a snake by now). Video games did tend to make her competitive and sassy, definitely not her normal self. She couldn't help it, though.
Her fingers aggressively hitting all sorts of buttons on her controller, she gritted her teeth as the battle was coming close to an end. They both had a high percentage of hits and Toon Link was going to win! "Not today," she mumbled, shaking her head so furiously that she tossed her bright orange hair side to side. Suddenly noticing the powerball through the hair in her face, she quickly ran for it but was too late for Jazz had already gotten it. "Merlin's beard, Jazz!" She said, stomping her feet on the floor in anger.
Jasmine was liking this competitive side of Ronnie. Jasmine smirked and this only fueled her more. Jasmine heard her aggressively hitting all the buttons and ironically Jasmine was doing the same thing and she never noticed it. Man they were REALLY getting into it. Jazz noticed their high percentage of hits and uh oh...this game was getting REAL. THIS WAS SOOO ON. Jazz heard Ronnie mumble not today and Jazz laughed at her head shaking furiously.
She got the power ball! Now she could use her special move. She pressed the right buttons and now her super special move was being used being targeted at Snake. Jazz smiled in glee! TAKE THAT! HAH! She was beaming and didn't wanna gloat so she kept silent with a huge smile. Then they were given another chance to battle. Jazz grinned towards her and asked,
"Ready for another battle?"