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Old 03-26-2015, 05:52 PM   #210 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
He watched her a bit as he waited for her to decide on a nickname, though he did glance around at other people too since staring for too long would probably be uncomfortable. Not that the waiting lasted all that long anyway, and he grinned at the nickname she chose.

"Okay, Miss Awesome." Great nicknames, Mr. Awesome and Miss Awesome. David followed her attention to the other people dancing before turning his eyes to her again at her question. "Eh, a little, I guess." Not something he'd generally admit since it wasn't really his thing and he wasn't THAT great at it anyway, but it was a masquerade so it was okay here...


...oh, they were supposed to take their masks off now? Huh, okay. "Guess we don't have to use the nicknames now?" he asked, slipping off his mask. Ah, that felt much better actually. Masks felt kinda weird on your face after awhile. "We could still dance though, if you wanna." That had probably been why she'd asked him whether he could, right? And the night was probably getting close to the end, so might as well have at least one dance.

And then probably go over to the buffet for some food. Yep.
Her question was one of curiosity, mostily. And his answer amused her, just a little bit. Hopefully he didn't feel bad, honestly.. she didn't expect him to be an expert or anything. Couldn't be any worse than half the student body on the dance floor at the moment, right? They were school-aged kids. Not professional dancers. And this was all.. just for fun. Taking another quick glance, the Ravenclaw's attention turned rather quickly back to her companion as a bell rang out.

Was that.. did that mean..? It was midnight, wasn't it?

Casting grey-blue eyes around the room, Hayley was absolutely certain that it was, in fact, midnight. Time to reveal themselves. "I guess not," She agreed lightly, reaching up to carefully untie her own mask and remove it. The corners of her lips tugged upward again, gaze on the boy - Mr. Awesome. "I'm Hayley, by the way. Hayley Diggory." As for the dancing, well.. "Sure?" They could. Though, Hayley had thought the ball was to end right about now, but the music was still playing, so maybe they had a bit more time left.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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