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Harry174 "That sounds like a great idea." Angel smiled. "So your full name is Simon Erik Holden, my full name is Angel Leigh Valentine." Angel smiled until she heard what the Professor had said. "Okay, where has time gone?" Angel was sure it had only been a few minutes since the lesson started right.
Angel looked at Simon as she wrote down everything she needed, she had a few other things to do but she would wait until Simon had caught up before she continued. "I think I've done everything right."
He gave the girl a grin and then the Professor announced that they only had a few minutes left. Merlin, this class had really passed by quickly. As Angel set to work, so did Simon.
Simon looked up when Angel addressed him. Nodding, he took a peek at her math. It all looked fine to him. "
I finished mine too. Here's the math part of yours. Perhaps now we should discuss the importance of these numbers," he said. They would probably have to say the significance of each one and what would happen at each stage.
The Professor announced that now they only had five minutes.
Here went nothing. Simon began giving Angel a brief education on what may happen in her life. "
Your physical transit lasts from birth till age twenty one. During this time, you will experience a period of change and will become more self-aware. You will also gain more opportunities to expand your horizons and be adventurous- so nice job there. Meanwhile, you will also experience conflicting forces mentally and spiritually- so be aware of that. You'll feel inspired and helpful. Finally, take your time during your physical transit."
Phew. That had been a lot.
He took a deep breath and continued, "
"Your mental transit cycle lasts from age 22 till age 54. You should remember to take your time once more. You will feel inspired during this time and attracted to adventure- seems apt as you are a Gryffindor... Anyway, I digress.. It also says that this cycle will be rather emotional. You will be impulsive during this time. Finally, your mind will be very active and you will have original ideas!"
And now for the Spiritual one. "
Your spiritual transit cycle will last from age 55 till age 94. First, you will be inspired but need time to contemplate these new ideas. Then you will be more independent than usual. Next, you will go through a phase where you should take things slowly. The slower the better. Ermm..You will feel inspired and once have opportunities to travel again. Next, you will be very emotional but you can still travel. You'll be emotional once again and accident prone so be careful. Then you can travel once more. And finally you will help people and will be attracted to new things."
A summary of what he just said?
So essentially you may have the opportunity to travel the world a lot. You'll have a desire for adventure and a great thinker." He paused once more, picking up his quill. "
Here, I'll write a quick summary of this in note form so its easier to understand. I know that was a lot of information that I just threw at you."
Merlin... Arithmancy was a lot of work.