Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Norah smiled proudly at Professor Tanner 'cause didja hear that? She had said something WISE. Oh yeah. Except now they were doing more arithmancy type things instead of flutter happiness type things, so she wasn't too sure that wiseness would last. The third year wrote 'Transit Cycles' in small letters under her original title of 'Happy Music Things' which she'd written at the top of her parchment before pulling her textbook towards her.
The Puffer took the time to read the letter's description twice through, then looked up and put a hand in the air. "The book says stuff about lots of emotions, which makes sense 'cause babies under two cry a lot even when we don't think there's a reason to be all emotional." That she knew. She'd had to go through that two whole times with her ickle brothers. "And then there's all that about wanting to learn and explore, which totally makes sense too 'cause babies don't know a whole lot and they learn so much when they're ickle just from looking around and their parents doing stuff." Learning the whole entire english language and how to walk and everything was nothing to be taken lightly, nope.
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