Originally Posted by
nicole black
A little stunt? Abigail snorted, that sounded so much like something she would say herself. This girl was like a blond, English version of herself, which made her attraction to Lex slightly creepy at best. Also, a castle, really? It sounded cool, but then it seemed a little archaic and old fashioned, but then that was most of the Wizarding world, wasn’t it? “They were practically asking for something like that, seriously.” Honestly, school kids in general did crazy shiz, let alone a bunch of thrill seekers like Gryffindor House seemed to be. “Anyone get injured? Did the teachers catch you at it?” She curiously asked, eager for more details.
Because really, when someone told you they spend a Saturday afternoon dive bombing a castle tower you didn’t just let it go.
It had been stifling; her parents pushing her and molding her, trying to turn her into a prim little lady that she’d never be, comparing her to both Jonah and his good grades, to Lucas and his easier to swallow or charming personality. It had been too much, she’d needed out. She shook her head, dark hair sweeping across her shoulders. “No, not at all…. Yeah? Off to stable jobs and picket fences?“ Abbi sneered. Yeah, most of her friends had gone for that too, strange considering how wild they’d been before. “Party Planning.” She shrugged. “It was miserable, I was surrounded by idiots who had no idea what they were doing.” Her voice was dripping with distaste, and her eyes carried the same.
She had half a mind to snog the girl senseless. Seriously, that was just glorious. “Oh No.” Abbi said, she sounded sorry, the widening smirk on her face said otherwise. “Lead on.” She said, gesturing dramatically.
And just like that they were walking and talking with the broken jewellery box held tight in her grasp. Common sense should have told her to have them turn back, find something safer in Diagon Alley but as it stood, she had good company and this was too good to pass up.
Lex couldn't agree more. What did one really expect by putting a bunch of daredevils high off the ground? Knitting?
Reading? She shook her head at the questions to follow.
"We're reckless but we usually know what we're doing--'sides, the Healer would have strung us up by our ankles down in the dungeons if we went to her about injuries sustained from leaping through windows on the seventh floor." Tillstorm was fierce, injury was NOT an option.
"And that was the beauty about our Common Room and our house; hardly anyone ever came to check on us. I was being quite literal when I said we did what we wanted. Our Head of House's office was all the way over at the Greenshouses. It's a wonder we didn't wreck the place entirely."
These days Gryffindor was under new management though. Airey...didn't let that many things slide, he was just around the corridor.
Lex actually had to laugh. Stable jobs and picket fences? What even?
"You might say that...yeah. One of them insisted I move in with her to learn some responsibility. Something about not being so carefree now that I'm in the big world." But she rather liked being carefree and had the means to continue so... Her eyebrows rose at the mention of party planning (who knew you could go to University for that?) but it was the next thing Abbi said that got her and it took all her self control not to have her mouth hang open.
"You've basically described the last 4 years of my life--especially the last one that just went." Surrounded by idiots and all her friends graduated and leaving her behind.
That had been truly miserable.
Alexa came to a stop when they got into the shop. It was the first she'd actually come inside, despite having seen it before and it...looked very much like she imagined...Creepy. A door leading to the back caught her attention.
"Bet that's where the real stuff goes down." She said with a nod in it's general direction.