Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Dot actually gave Sophie a bit of the side-eyed scathing look, since she was NOT playing it cool. Great One? That was too much. Dizzy wonder child was one thing, but fangirling a professor was just not her style. She restrained herself from digging a bony elbow into Sophie's ribs, but girlfriend needed to be coooooooool.
"Astronauts. That's what I meant. Astro-nauts. Naut not nut." She tossed her long red hair in a dizzy little motion. Silly Slytherin child. "Not experiments, though... I wondered if there were any spells that could simulate microgravity and make your body naturally taller, instead of you having to magically grow yourself. I mean, that height is already there, right? It's just gravity is being a bummer." And Dot actually really DID want to be taller. It took HEIGHT to be a Rockette, or even to continue being an effective dancer.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |