Maggie. We are coming for you. A Poop * k8 *
Eden watched the scene in complete and utter DISMAY. TOBY WHATEVER YOUR LAST NAME IS RIGHT NOW. WHAT IN MERLIN'S NAME WAS HE DOING?! Eden had been COUNTING on him to let her down since he seemed the most COMPETANT right now....
Had he just DISARMED himself?!?!?! BLOODY HUFFLEPUFFS.
Eden wanted to GROWL at him but she didn't. And Lux might DIE soon if she stayed dangled any LONGER, all right?! BUt FINALLY--and a Gryffindor, no doubt--Puck let Lux down, who then proceeded to unfreeze her.
Eden HUFFED and turned on Maggied, quickly, without even so much as THINKING--"RICTUSEMPRA!" she cried, at Maggie, and before waiting to see what it'd DO--she turned back to Lux. She needed to practice the spell after ALL. "Okay. My turn to do it on you. Think fast--RICTUSEMPRA!" she cried, again, and....ha. Getting out her frustration using SPELLS was FUN. And a bit....productive, in a weird way.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |